Chapter 25

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My eyes slowly opened as I felt my jaw with a feather like touch. There was definitely a bruise. I looked around and saw I was in my room. I dressed and walked down to the infirmary.

"So, how long exactly am I going to be getting these mood swings because they are becoming very inconvenient." I crossed my arms and furrowed my brows.

"They should only last another day or two more. I've never experienced it myself, but I'm guessing you'll be fine as long as you stay level headed. If you want to be extra safe, try to avoid people the next few days. It might not be the most fun option, but it prevents people from provoking or triggering you." I gave a weak smile and started to leave when she stopped me. "Um, I don't mean to be nosy or anything, but I've never met anyone who had turned their emotions off, let alone was able to turn them back on. From a medical standpoint, this could be a great opportunity for me to gain some knowledge on the subject." She smiled hopefully.

"Ask away," I smiled and sat on one of the beds.

"Ok, um, what did it feel like without your emotions?" She was holding a notebook and recording everything down.

"I felt nothing. I didn't care at all. I kissed someone, a lot, and I felt nothing."

"Wow, interesting. What is it like, the mood swings your experiencing?"

"Well, when I get a mood swing I completely loose control. Last night I got angry, and I felt like I wanted to kill everyone and anyone who was in my way."

"That powerful? Have you experienced any other mood swings?"

"More powerful than any pull I've felt before, yes. And I did experience another mood swing." My voice dropped and she cocked her eyebrow. I took a deep breath before answering. "Passion. I felt a deep pull for passion. Thankfully, we were interrupted before it went too far." I kept my gaze to the floor, to embarrassed to look up.

"Oh, I see. One last question, How did you turn your emotions back on? I've been told it's very hard to do."

"It is, because you have to search for a reason to. I didn't find a reason, however. A friend of mine kept talking to me, telling me things until he finally got an emotion out of me. The things he said hit me hard, hard enough to force my switch to turn on and feel emotion."

"And what emotion did he force you to feel?"

I stood up and started walking away before I stopped and answered, "Rage. My emotions turned on and I felt angrier than I've ever felt before." She thanked me, and I nodded as I walked down to the cafeteria. I sat alone and picked at my food as I thought about the questions she has asked me. Why didn't my switch turn on when Alfio made out with me? Why did anger turn it on? Why is anger always a trigger for me? What if I'm not a faerie... I forced those thought out of my head so I wouldn't have another mood swing. I ate quickly and walked into an empty classroom on the second floor. I looked out the window and into the courtyard. I sighed and returned to my room for a nap, suddenly exhausted. I woke when I heard Kokel's voice booming through the speakers in the hallway.

"Students, please come down to the cafeteria for dinner. I have an announcement afterwards I believe you will all enjoy." I walked down to dinner, and was quickly accompanied by Cullen. He intermingled his fingers between mine, and I laughed.

"It sounds so good to hear you laugh," he said as we got our food and sat down at a table. We ate quietly, I guess we were both really hungry. We would tap each other's feet back and fourth playfully under the table, causing an occasional chuckle. We finished and talked while waiting for Kokel to tell us his surprise announcement.

"Good evening students, I have decided that we all deserve a night to enjoy ourselves. A lot has been going on, even after the witches were taken away. Their aftermath has caused a great deal of pain, and I think it's time we put that behind us. There will be a formal party tomorrow night. Many of you have requested a specific theme, so I will comply with a masquerade theme." Kokel left the room and girls voices exploded all over the cafeteria.

"Will you be my date?" Cullen asked seductively. I sighed and looked around as if I was bored.

"I mean, I guess I don't have any other offers..." He leaned across the table and kissed me on my nose, and then my lips before leaning back and smiling at me.

"I need to go find Stella, we need to go dress shopping." I gave him a quick kiss and went to Stella's room.

"We have to go dress shopping!" She practically screamed at me.

"I'll come to your room at nine tomorrow morning and we can get a car to Magix," I instructed her. I saw her smiling and picked up on her happiness. "Stella, do you have a date already?" Her eyes lit up and her cheeks flushed red.

"A boy from my potions class, Derek, asked me to go with him." We squealed in excitement.

"What does he look like? Give me all the details!" She sighed as she thought about his appearance.

"He has brown hair that gets curly when he lets his hair grow out. He has hazel eyes and tan skin. He is very muscular and a total gentleman."

"He sounds hot," we laughed for the first time in a while.

"He is!" She replied as she wiped a tear, caused from our hysteria. After another hour or so of laughing and messing around, I said goodnight. I walked back to my room and saw a lonely boy standing outside my room.

"Miss me?" I said jokingly. He turned around and smiled as he looked me up and down. I wrapped my arms around his waist, and he shifted us so my back was up against the wall. I felt it again, the passion. Oh no, not again...

"I'm having another mood swing." I said as I grabbed his shirt tightly. He looked at me and furrowed his brows.

"Why do you always have mood swings when you're with me?" I thought he was saying that to be an idiot, but his face was serious.

"Whenever you're close to me, it happens. I'm not exactly sure why, but I know I'm gonna lose it in a minute if I don't get away from you. Unless, you're ready for round two?" He smiled and made the first move. He pushed up against me, and kissed me deeply. I gestured towards my room and we walked in, never breaking apart for air. We made it to my bed and I pushed him down under me. I pulled away and looked at my finger, causing an instant flame. I started at the collar of his shirt, and ran my finger quickly down to the bottom in a straight like. The fire burned the shirt right in half where my finger had traced. I put my finger in my mouth, causing it to sizzle. I removed my finger, and smoke was coming off of it.

"That's one hell of a trick," he said breathlessly as he flipped me onto my back, straddling me on the bed. The lust in me was pulsing so hard, I thought I could hear it. I went to take off my shirt, but he pinned my arms to the bed. "No, not like this." He kissed me again before climbing off and retrieving his burned shirt. I crossed my arms and looked at him.

"What? Why not?" I knew he didn't want to stop.

"Because you're acting like this as a result of your mood swings. I refuse to take advantage of you." He walked to the door, but didn't leave. I understood what he meant. I could end up regretting it.

"What did I do to deserve a guy like you?" He chuckled, and moved his gaze to the floor.

"I love you Alena," and with that, he left. I smiled and crawled under the covers. I yawned and fell into a deep sleep.

The Fire Within (Book 1 of Dragonfire series)Where stories live. Discover now