chapter six

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Will was walking to English with Mike.
"And apparently there's this clown thing that turns into your biggest fear!" Mike was rambling about a story his cousin Richie had told him. Will thought it was all bogus but Mike seemed to genuinely believe it.

"Hi guys!" Will heard a voice from behind him. He turned around and standing there was Theo.
"Oh hey Theo!" Will exclaimed, smiling at him.
Mike just sort of stood there, he wasn't talking about Richie's story anymore.

"Do you wanna eat lunch with me today?" Theo asked, addressing Will.
"Sure that sounds great!" Will replied.
"Awesome! I'll come and get you after next period?" Theo said
"Yep that's perfect." Will said.

Theo smiled at Will and walked away.

"I don't like him." Mike said, continuing walking.
"Why?" Asked Will.
"I don't know, there's just something off about him, he's weird."
"Mike you're talking about clowns that shape shift and eat people I think if anyone is weird it's you." Will laughed.

Mike went quiet and kept walking.


"So Will, I know I said I was thinking about having some people over, but I think your party last weekend might have tired people out a bit. Maybe you would want to come over on your own though?" Theo asked, taking a bite into a slice of school pizza.

"Um yeah alright." Will said, he didn't know Theo very well but maybe this would be a chance to get to know him.

"Do you like Mario kart?" Theo grinned at Will.
"I'm a Mario kart legend." Will replied, stuffing a fork full of peas into his mouth.

A few minutes later the bell went, signalling the end of lunch.

"I'll see you tomorrow then?" Will said, grabbing his bag and standing up.

"Yeah see you tomorrow." Theo smiled at him and walked away.



Will knocked on the purple door he was standing in front of. A few moments later a small boy answered. He couldn't be older than 10.

The boy had tanned skin and unruly black hair.
"Theo, Tu amigo está aquí!" The boy shouted up the stairs.
"Ya voy ya voy!" Will heard Theo call from upstairs.

Theo appeared at the door, his blonde hair messy.
"Hi Will!" He said, pushing the dark haired boy out of the way. "Sorry that's just Oliver, I hope he didn't say anything disturbing."

"Le dije qué me gusta cortar animales bebé." Oliver said, walking away.
"Jesus Christ I'm so sorry he doesn't do that." Theo said, walking up the stairs.
"What did he say?" Asked Will, following him.
"He said he told you he cuts up baby animals." Theo replied.

Theo sat down on his bed, patting the space next to him for Will to sit down on.
"I am really sorry about Oliver, he says alot of things he doesn't mean." Said Theo, an apologetic smile on his face.
"No it's fine, it was quite funny actually." Will replied, smiling back.

"I have a brother too." Said Will, "He's older though, he doesn't live with us anymore."
"Oliver's not really my brother, he's just my step brother, my step mum is Spanish, I'm not entirely fluent but I'm good enough." Theo said, walking over to a box in his room. He pulled out two controllers.

"Want to play Mario kart then?" Theo asked, passing Will a controller.
"Thought you'd never ask." replied Will, watching Theo turn on the TV and connect it to his playstation.

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