chapter ten

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Will woke up to sunlight warming his face, he could hear birds chirping outside his window.

He sat up and looked around the room. Mike's room.

He suddenly felt a strong sense of deja vu. He was in Mike's room, in Mike's bed, alone. Just like the morning after the party.

Where was Mike?

Will got out of bed and walked to the bathroom to brush his teeth. He then went downstairs and found Mike stood in the kitchen. Just like the morning after the party, except this time he wasn't talking to anyone.

"Where are your parents?" Will asked, walking over to the counter and cutting himself a slice of bread.

"They're out, with Holly." Mike replied, not looking at Will.

"Oh ok." Will replied, putting his bread into the toaster and pushing down the lever.

There was a moment of awkward silence before Will continued, "Did you sleep well?"

Mike's head shot up and he stared at Will. "Yeah I slept great."

"Alright.." Will said, raising an eyebrow.

They stayed in silence like that, Will stood next to the counter and Mike leaning against a wall.

Will's toast popped and he took it out of the toaster and buttered it. He ate it in silence, both him and Mike staring ahead at nothing in particular.

"I should probably go home then." Will blurted out.

"Yeah that's a good idea." Mike replied, still staring forward.

Will looked at him for a moment before walking upstairs and grabbing his phone to call his mum.


Will knew that Mike was like this. He knew that some days they would be best friends, they'd spend all day together, laughing and having fun.

But some days were different, they were still best friends but it felt different. Mike was distant, he didn't really pay attention to Will.

It was worse when they were in groups of people. Mike could pretend Will wasn't there, he could talk to someone else and block him out.

Will hated it.

It was hard enough being completely and utterly in love with your best friend but even harder when he acts like you don't exist.


Will was sat with his friends at their usual lunch table. Jane and Max were whispering to each other, Lucas and Mike were talking about their plans for after school. Dustin was writing something in his notebook and Will was staring off into space.

"You in then Will?" Mike asked, turning to face Will.

Will looked up at him "In for what?"

"Some people are having a bonfire in the woods tonight, wanna come?" Mike said, smiling down at him.

"We've got school tomorrow." Will replied, looking back down at the table.

"Cmon Byers, live a little." Mike smirked.

Will hated the hold Mike had over him but he knew that when Mike looked at him like that he couldn't say no.

"Fine. Is everyone coming?" Will said, smiling softly up at Mike.

"You guys are coming right?" Mike asked, addressing the table.

"Yeah sure." Dustin said, not looking up from his writing.

Jane and Max looked at each other and fell into a  fit off giggles.
"Of course." Max snorted.

Mike raised an eyebrow and turned back to Will.

"I'll come and pick you up then?"



Will and Theo sat on the curb outside a convenience store.

"He's just been acting so weird lately." Will said, putting his head in his hands.

"What's he been doing?" Theo asked, taking a bite out of his chocolate bar.

"I slept over at his house and it was great, we had so much fun but then in the morning he was acting really weird, like something had happened but literally nothing did." Will said, lifting his head.

"Have you figured out what happened at the party yet?" Theo asked, taking another bite.

"No, but that's if anything happened." Will said.

"I bet it did, you're going to that bonfire tonight right? Maybe being drunk again will jog your memory."

"Yeah maybe."



Jane sat on her bed, she was sketching. She wasn't sure what but it was slowly coming together.

Music was playing softly, she was humming along.

I wish I'd stayed
Asleep today
I never thought this day would end
I never thought tonight could ever be
This close to me

She sat like that for a while, singing and sketching.

She looked down at the drawing, a girl with bright orange hair and freckles. Cute.

She heard a knock on her door.

"Come in." She said, putting down her drawing.

Will stood there, a kind smile on his face.

"Are you getting ready?" He asked.

"Oh yeah of course." She said, standing up and walking over to her closet.

She pulled out a purple tank top, "Do you think this is cute?"

"Purple looks amazing on you." He replied

Jane smiled and lay it out on her bed. She grabbed a black mini skirt out of a drawer and threw it down next to the top.

"Go now so I can get changed." Jane squealed, pushing Will out of the door.

She pulled on the outfit she had set out, she put on a pair of socks and her black converse.

She put on some purple eyeshadow and eye glitter and walked out the door.

"You look stunning." Will said, grinning at her.

"Could say the same about you." She smiled.

Authors note:

I hate writing filler chapter sm but it must be done

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