chapter fourteen

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Will sat in Mike's car, Mike was driving him and Jane home from school.

No one was talking, music was playing softly but Will wasn't paying attention.

All his attention was on Mike.

The sun shining on his face. His lips hanging open slightly.

His hair curling perfectly. His freckles dotted around his face.

Will was mesmerized.

He hated it.

He hated that Mike was so gorgeous because he knew that Mike would never like him.

Not in the way he wanted him to like him.

"Okay we're here." Mike said, slowing down the car.

"Thanks Mike." Jane said, grabbing her bag and walking out of the car.

"You alright?" Mike asked, smiling at Will.

Will smiled back, "Yeah of course I'm fine."

"Okay, well if you'd like to talk call me yeah?" Mike said.

"Yeah I will." Will said, opening the car door and walking towards his house.

Will walked into the kitchen.

Joyce and Hopper were dancing slowly, her head against his chest.

It's gonna take a lot to drag me away from you

He spun her around.

There's nothing that a hundred men or more could ever do

She laughed and fell back into his arms.

I bless the rains down in Africa

He kissed her on the forehead.

Gonna take some time to do the things we never had

"Gross." Will said, sitting down at the table.

"Will sweetheart, I didn't hear you come in." Joyce said, walking towards the fridge and taking out a carton of orange juice.

"It's not gross it's romantic." Jane said, standing in the doorway.

Joyce handed Will a glass of orange juice, he thanked her and went upstairs to his room.

He put the glass of juice on his bedside table and grabbed a comic book, he lay on his bed and started reading it.

After about half an hour he heard his phone ring, he picked it up.


"You didn't call." He heard Mike's voice down the other end.

"No I didn't." Will replied.

"Did you not want to talk?" Mike asked.

"I always want to talk to you Mike." Will said.

Mike didn't say anything.

Was that too forward?

"I always want to talk to you too Will."

Will smiled.



"I'm just heading out to Max's house, I'll be back later." Jane said to Hopper, who was sat watching TV.

"Don't be too late." He said, not looking up.

Jane left the house and walked down the road. She could have asked Will to drive her but she needed a walk. She needed time to think.

She was going to confront Max. Jane liked Lucas and she couldn't do that to him, she knew it was wrong.

She walked for a while before she reached Max's house.

She rang the doorbell and waited.

The door opened and Max stood there, "Hey beautiful." She said, a grin on her face.

Jane couldn't help but smile, "Hi." She said, walking past Max.

Max led the way upstairs and into her room. Max sat on her bed and patted the space next to her, signalling Jane to sit down.

Jane walked over and sat down next to her.

"I need to talk to you, about what's been happening with us." Jane said, looking down.

Max didn't say anything.

"It's wrong, you and Lucas are still together." Jane said.

"I said I'd break up with him." Max said, looking at Jane.

Jane made eye contact with Max, "Did you though?"

Max looked down.

"Mike and Will saw us." Jane said.

Max's head shot up, her face tinged pink.

"When?" She asked.

"At the bonfire." Jane replied.

"Oh." Max said.

"I guess it made it more real for me, that we weren't just playing a game or something, that real people are involved." Jane continued.

"Yeah." Max whispered.

"Max we can't keep doing this, we need to make a decision. I know what I feel when I'm around you, it's different than with Mike, it's better. I'm not expecting you to break up with Lucas for me but I want you to do something." Jane said.

"I just need to figure stuff out Jane." Max replied.

"I know Max, but it's important that you don't hurt people, and if Lucas found out he'd be devastated, you know that."

Max sighed.

"I'm going to go now." Jane said, standing up.

"Bye." Max said

"Bye." Jane walked out of the room and out of the house.

She walked down the road, her head was filled with thoughts.

She didn't know why she'd said that, she didn't even know if she was gay, she didn't know if she could be with Max.

But she knew she could try. That was if Max was willing to.

Authors note:
Another insanely short chapter but we move like stuffs gonna start happening soon I swear

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