chapter sixteen

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"Fuck." Will said, ripping off a piece of kitchen towel and putting it on his bleeding finger.

He knew that when you had a cut you had to put pressure on it and hold it above your heart, that's what his mum had always told him.

He lifted his hand up, still putting pressure on his ring finger.

"You alright?" He heard Jane ask from behind him.

"Perfectly fine." Will replied, turning around and grimacing at his sister.

"What happened?" She asked, walking towards a cupboard and pulling out a yellow bandaid.

"I was attempting to cut a bagel but obviously I didn't really manage it." Will replied.

Jane laughed, "Yeah I can see that."

Will looked over at the half cut bagel on the chopping board, luckily he hadn't gotten any blood on it, however there was blood running down his hand and dripping onto the floor.

"It's a nasty cut." Jane said, smiling sympathetically. She walked over and removed the kitchen towel, walking Will over to the sink and washing the blood off of his hand. Then she wrapped the bandaid around his finger. "All better."

"Thanks Jane." Will smiled down at her, flexing his fingers.

"No worries." Jane replied, walking over to the chopping board, she finished cutting Will's bagel and put it into the toaster.

"So." Jane turned around, leaning against the counter.

"So." Will echoed.

"How's everything going, like with Mike and stuff." Jane looked down at her feet.

"Everything's fine with Mike, why wouldn't everything be fine with Mike?" Will questioned, raising an eyebrow and trying to meet Jane's gaze.

"No reason just something Max said." Jane smiled softly.

Will's eyes widened, "What did Max say?" He asked.

Jane raised both of her eyebrows, "Nothing Max didn't say anything."

"But you just said she did." Will replied, confused.

"Yeah but it was nothing, you know Max she rambles." Jane bit her bottom lip slightly.

"Yeah I guess she does." Will replied.

"Anyway," Jane pursed her lips, "I'm gonna go."

"Go where?" Will asked.

"Max's house." Jane replied, walking towards the door.

Will smirked, "So you worked stuff out then?"

"Yeah I guess we did." Jane smiled, her cheeks tinged pink.

"How's Lucas?" Will asked.

"He's fine, I think he was a bit shocked but he's fine." Jane replied, her smile falling slightly.

"That's good then." Will said.

Jane smiled at him and walked out of the door, Will heard the click of the lock.

He looked over at the toaster, the bagel had popped but he wasn't sure when, he hadn't been paying attention.

He sighed and walked over to the toaster, he pulled out the bagel and slathered a thick layer of Nutella on it and took a bite.

What had Jane meant when she asked if everything was okay with Mike? Why wouldn't everything be okay with his best friend?

Unless he knew...

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