chapter fifteen

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Mike lay on his bed, humming along to music, he was thinking of Will.

I try to laugh about it
Cover it all up with lies
I try to laugh about it
Hiding the tears in my eyes

He hadn't been able to get Will out of his mind. Every time he closed his eyes he saw Will's playful smile.

He didn't know what was going on with him, what he was feeling.

He needed to talk to someone who would understand.

Mike ran downstairs and towards the front door.

"Where are you going Mike?" His mum called from the living room.

"A friend's house." He replied, grabbing his keys.

"Don't be too late." Karen said, turning back to the TV.

"I won't be." Mike said, unlocking the door and running out to the car.

He drove for 10 minutes before stopping the car and getting out, he walked up the drive of a house and knocked on the door.

A girl with unruly ginger hair and icy blue eyes answered.

"Oh Mike hi." She said sheepishly. "I'm assuming you're here to talk about the thing with Jane."

"No I'm not, but you've still got to talk to Lucas about that." Mike said, rushing past her and towards her bedroom.

Mike sat down on her bed and sighed. Max followed and closed the door.

"So what's wrong?" She asked, crossing her arms.

"I just needed to talk to someone about this and I thought you'd understand." Mike said. Max nodded slowly.

"So basically at Will's party when he was drunk I brought him up to my room to go to bed and.." Mike hesitated, "He kissed me, and I kissed back and I know I was dating Jane and I feel horrible about it so don't give me any shit for it but then I literally couldn't get him out of my head and then I dreamt about him and I guess I started seeing him in a way I never did before, like every time he looked at me my heart grew five times."

Max just stood there, her eyes wide.

"Max.." Mike said, tilting his head.

"What am I supposed to do with this?" Max asked.

"I don't know, tell me what's wrong with me?" Mike said, biting the inside of his cheek.

"Mike I think it's pretty obvious that you like Will." Max said.

Mike sat in silence for a second.

"But I'm not gay." He said, his brows furrowed.

Max raised an eyebrow, "What you said was pretty gay, you can't really like a guy without being gay."

"I'm not gay Max." Mike said.

"Yes you are Mike, evidently." Max replied.

"Your audacity is staggering Maxine."

"You know what else is staggering Michael? Your gayness." Max snorted.

"Fuck you're right." Mike stared forward, his eyes wide.

"I know I am." Max said, sitting down next to Mike.

"I like Will." Mike whispered, he couldn't tell if what he was feeling was relief or dread.

"Yeah I guess you do." Max rested her head on Mike's shoulder.

There was a moment of silence.

"It's a good thing though, that you know it and can acknowledge it." Max continued.

Mike didn't say anything, he was too lost in his own thoughts.

I like Will.

Mike looked back on every moment that him and Will had shared since the party, it seemed so obvious now.

Mike felt stupid, really stupid.

"What am I supposed to do now?" Mike asked.

"Talk to Will?" Max suggested.

"No. Definitely not. Even if I do like him, why would he like me back?" Mike said.

"Well he kissed you for one." Max started.

"Yeah but he was drunk, like really drunk, I let go of him for a second and he fell over." Mike stated.

Max removed her head from Mike's shoulder and looked at him, a confused look on her face.

"He kissed you and you think he doesn't like you because he was a little drunk." Max raised an eyebrow.

"No Max you don't get it, he was really drunk, and he's never acted like he likes me apart from that." Mike pursed his lips, "And I can't risk it, he's my best friend. What if he doesn't feel the same and our entire friendship is ruined?"

"If you say so." Max said.

"You need to talk to Lucas, or Jane, I don't know what you're planning on doing but you need to do it." Mike insisted.

"Yeah I know, I just don't know what to do." Max replied.


Mike was sat at the dining table, pushing his food around with his fork.

He wasn't hungry, he was too lost in thought.

I like Will.

It was all so obvious, why hadn't he seen it before?

He felt so stupid. Stupid that he hadn't realised. Stupid that he would let this happen.

Will was his best friend and nothing would change that.

Authors note:

omd derry girls reference??

also lowkey guys I'm rewatching stranger things and lumax > elmax idk why I've dug myself into this hole

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