Chapter 19

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"Stove's off, no plugs are on

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"Stove's off, no plugs are on..." Hanni was checking on the kitchen just in case there's still some appliances that's still on and before she was satisfied with everything, she went over to the table, fetched her pouch bag before she got to the door and her eyes looked over at Yongjae, standing at the other side of the door with a soft smile.

"Ready?" Hanni asked as she's walking out of her hotel room with Yongjae's waiting by the door before he nodded with a smile, excited to go out on a coffee date with her. "Oh wait, I forgot the key inside, can you hold this for me please?" Hanni realized she left the room key inside then she handed him her pouch bag before she went back in and he held onto her bag safely.

Yongjae's eyes couldn't help but noticing how worn out her pouch bag was and some of the leather skin's already ripped apart around the edges and the corners. "Got the key~ You okay?" Her voice echoed in his ears as he looked up to her locking up the door before facing him. "I'm okay. How long have you been using this bag Hanni?" He asked calmly as he handed it back to a humming Hanni.

"I think about five, six years? I got it as a gift when I got into college and I've been using it till this day..." She then finally took the time to look at the bag thoroughly and only now she too realized how apparent it was that her bag was a bit worn out but she could only smile bitterly. "...well as long as it still can carry my stuffs then I'm still using it."

After everything settled, Yongjae and Hanni made their way down to the entrance, hands safely holding with each other. Once they're out of the building, the weather on this Sunday was so breezy and refreshingly cool so they took off with a calm and positive vibe. Their walk to the café was calm and filled with them talking and enjoying the city of Seoul whenever possible.

Though the café's a bit far from the hotel, Hanni and Yongjae didn't mind the effort for them to reach that destination because of one special reason. The café that they're heading now became a precious place for the two of them as it was the first place where the two got to sit down and talked with each other to the point where Yongjae found a caring friend in Hanni at the time and Hanni managed to get close to him and ensuring him that she's different from the others as she would always be the friend that Yongjae could rely on. And all that had led to where they were now, happily together and closer than ever.

"We're here~" Hanni's cheerful tone always put a smile on his face. So they reached the café, reached the counter, got their drinks ordered and Hanni was all pouty when Yongjae and his fast hand movement, managed to get his card scanned on the counter and got their drinks paid while Hanni wanting to pay for it in the first place. "You've been paying our coffee dates every time; I want to pay for us too okay?"

Yongjae's response to her being sulky was his usual smile. "I have a lot of money to spend okay? And I'm sure are happy that I get to spend it for you." His reply eventually got her smiling softly and snickering. "I guess that's a good thing then if it makes you happy. Thank you my love. Next time I'll buy you lots of street foods. Promise~" The way she intertwined their pinky fingers together, made him chuckled yet feeling warm inside. "I know you will Hanni."

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