Chapter 20

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"What? What do you mean

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"What? What do you mean...?" Still couldn't get her head around his confession of being in an arranged marriage with his personal assistant, Jeongin knew this was not going to be pretty as he made his point across to Minji.

"No wait, wait, wait- wait a minute there... What do you mean? W-why only now you're telling me thi- Oh my God-" A clear sigh escaped from her lips as she leaned back against her seat, palms covering her face, obviously in a state of disbelief and in apparent shock to the point of she just remained silent afterwards. "Minji...? Are you mad at me?" Jeongin timidly called out to her.

And what he got back was a clear, deep sigh from Minji. "...I guess you are mad at me." At that point he had accepted his fate. "Right now..." Minji lowered her hands down with her eyes remained fixed on the table rather than at him. "...I feel like hitting you on the head and it didn't matter if you're my boss or not." And then a glare was shot at him and upon hearing that Jeongin, lowered his gaze, lowered his head as he moved it closer to her.

"Here... You can hit me as hard as you can. I deserve that..." He whispered in defeat and seeing him like that wasn't fueling the rage that Minji had in her, in fact it cooled off the steam slowly and her sense of sympathy as well as empathy got the best out of her so she just placed her hand on the top of his head before caressing it softly. "But I'm afraid I just can't seem to do that to you Jeongin..."

"I just wished you've told me about this way earlier... I'm not feeling betrayed or anything... but I feel like... I don't know... I mean marriage itself is a very serious thing let alone being in an arranged one..." Minji was having mixed of emotions, she was still a tad mad but at the same time, she felt sorry for him and Yuna... and in the mix of that, she's trying to be understanding more than anything so she didn't want to burst up angry and just leaving him there like what an immature person would probably do but not Kim Minji.

"Well... I'm sorry about this Minji but you and I only have gotten serious just last night and I think that it'll be a sin for me to keep it away from you now but I didn't know how to tell you. Turns out you already knew about Yuna's arranged marriage. And she even told me about what you said to her back then and Minji, it is as you told her..." Hearing his tone was being apologetic and a sense of regret, Minji sat back up straight as she just looked at him and waiting for his explanation. "...we both don't want this marriage to go on, we don't want to ruin each other's lives because of a stupid marriage set up, so me and Yuna are still trying to find a way..."

"...I've talked and fought for what I believe with my father and right now my father's already okay with me not wanting to marry Yuna but the problem here is her father, her father's quite the hard headed guy." And Minji couldn't deny it with the fact that she too heard Yuna's arguments with her father back in the elevator before. "I wish that I can keep being so mad at you Jeongin. But I'm not because I actually, surprisingly, understand."

"...I'm just more surprise to know that it all connected somehow and I'm actually in the middle of all of it. I found out about Yuna's problem and then I went on and had a date with you, kissed you and slept on your bed last night and now finding out that you're connected to Yuna's problem as well. God what a twisted world of coincidence is this..." Minji replied to him and though he's feeling guilty, he's glad that he didn't have to hide anything from her any more.

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