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Soon after the interns left the laboratory, Jeongin stayed behind for a about half an hour more before he too got himself back to his father's company building on his own as Jeongin's against the idea of having his own chauffeur because it's just a waste that he has his driving license but couldn't even put it to good use.
After arriving at the building, Jeongin saw another similar black car as his, parked just in front of the front gates and upon reading the license plate, instantly he knew who's in the car in front of him. "Looks like Hyunjin hyung's back..."
As Jeongin got off his car, someone also exited the car in front of him from the back seat and the two of them noticed each other. "Hyunjin hyung!" Jeongin called out to the man before going over to him and the two shared a hug.
"I didn't know you're coming back today..." Jeongin was still confused as to why he didn't receive any news of his brother, Hyunjin, coming back home to Korea from France. "...or am I missing something here?" After that, his brother's chauffeur offered to park Jeongin's car as he gave him the key to his car.
"Father actually who wants me to come back, he said there's been an incident in the city recently and he wants to have a word with me about it..." Hyunjin explained the reason of his sudden appearance as Jeongin had his eyebrows raised. "I see... Well yeah, it's been a hectic week for the city hyung I'm not going to lie..."
"Well you better get up there and keep your department going. I'll see you soon." With Hyunjin giving his younger brother a few pats on the shoulder, Jeongin gave him one last hug out of longing for him. "It's good to see you again hyung." Excused himself, Jeongin then made his way up to his department.
Upon arriving, staffs were bowing down at him as he's passing by them before he made it over to Yuna's office as the only way to his office was through hers and upon entering, she immediately stood up from her desk. "You're late. Something happened?" She asked.
"Nothing much." Jeongin answered her nonchalantly before his path was blocked by her who stood in front of him. "I hate to say this but we have to go out together maybe once. My father's been questioning me why he rarely sees us going out together." Yuna said, slightly annoyed in her tone as she's crossing her arms on her chest.
Jeongin let out a clear sigh after hearing her. "Do we have to Yuna? Can't you just tell your father that I'm a busy man and barely have time or something. It'll be very difficult for us if they believe the idea of us having no problems going out together, you do understand that right?" He had his hands remained in his pockets as his expression mirrored an exhausted one.
"I wish it's as easy as the way you're saying it Jeongin but you know better than anyone that it's really hard on my part. Can't we just like, do what they asked just this once and maybe tell them that it's not going to work in the future..." Yuna's head wasn't thinking straight and Jeongin didn't blame her but disagreed with her.
"No we can't do that Yuna, I'm sorry. Listen here okay..." Jeongin held his hand up in front of her. "...we both only went to the same school in the past and the reason why we're in this mess was because our parents wanted to expand their business through marriage between you and me and I can't have that okay..."