Chapter 31

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“You’re here early Dongbaek-ah…” One of the villagers who’s already by the cabbage field was a bit surprised to see the head villager came there a whole lot earlier than his usual schedule

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“You’re here early Dongbaek-ah…” One of the villagers who’s already by the cabbage field was a bit surprised to see the head villager came there a whole lot earlier than his usual schedule. “’re waiting for that boy aren’t ya?” And the silence from the old man confirmed that question’s answer. “Probably not long until Yongguk and his son are going to arrive and I heard that the young man’s with them and didn’t seem to be backing out any time soon…”

“Give him an hour or two… I don’t he’ll make it through even with those tools that he brought over here…” Dongbaek remained with his negative views and decision regarding receiving help from the people of the city and also just in time for the pickup truck belonged to the Kim family arrived at the site and the head villager immediately had his eyes fixed on the male seated at the back which was none other than Hwang Jeongin himself. But Jeongin himself didn’t even bother to even glance back at old Dongbaek and for obvious reasons.

“I’m not so sure about that Dongbaek-ah… That man looks determined…” The villager replied rather slyly as he continued picking up and harvesting the fully grown cabbage by the soil while Dongbaek’s been observing the Kim family, especially Jeongin from afar who’s getting his equipment down from the back of the pickup truck and though the old man’s too bitter to admit, he was a bit curious as to what those high-tech equipments that Jeongin brought has to offer to the village itself.

“What are we going to do first now hyung? I hope you can teach me anything and everything that I’ll be needing so that I can help as much as I can.” With great determination plastered in is tone, Minji was all proud and happy secretly behind him. “You’re not going to use those tools straight away? Because what we’re doing today is harvesting these cabbages…” Mingyu asked and Jeongin shook his head lightly. “I will be using them but right now I want to experience it hyung. I want to try and do the work the same as everyone else, so that I can understand more or less what it means to be the people of this beautiful village.”

“Atta boy!” Her father suddenly patted his shoulders from behind with a rather proud tone. “I admire your determination young man. Then you’ll be needing this…” His father got back to the truck and got the usual metal and a bit rusty wheelbarrow and pushed it towards Jeongin. “...we’ll be starting from that point over there and we’ll probably get about two to three rows harvested before you can show us what those tools you brought can do. Deal?”

“I like the sound of that sir, sure let’s do that.” Jeongin agreed with her father’s suggestion. In the end, Mingyu and his father went first while Minji and Jeongin followed behind them with Jeongin pushing the wheelbarrow, carrying the usual farming tools needed for them to do harvesting. So Mingyu and Minji spent some time, teaching the caring millionaire the way harvesting was done. “So right here baby… you just reach for the stem…” Minji was explaining slowly as her hands were reaching for the cabbage’s stem and Jeongin followed her hand movements with the cabbage in front of him.

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