~𝑴𝒊𝒕𝒔𝒖𝒓𝒊 𝑲𝒂𝒏𝒓𝒐𝒋𝒊~

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"Hey, Principal Ubuyashiki?" Kanae tried to catch up to him

"Yes, Ms. Kanae?" Principal Ubuyashiki responded in his usual calm, soft voice, "How can I help you?"

"I was wondering if you could show me where all my classes are and where my locker is?" She responded as she was slowing down her pace because she had almost reached him.

"Of course." Principal Ubuyashiki gave her a calm, kind smile. "Walk with me." Principal Ubuyashiki began to walk around the school as Kanae followed, appointing her to her classes. Principal Ubuyashiki and Kanae came to a stop. "Here we are, our last stop. This is your locker." Principal Ubuyashiki pointed to the locker. It had a little silver plate on the front that had the number 438.

"Thank you so much, Principal Ubuyashiki! I appreciate it!" She gave him that bright smile of hers. She took off her backpack, set it down, opened it, and pulled out a few textbooks and her binder. She sat on the floor, opened her brand-new locker, and set all her stuff inside.

"Sorry to break the news, but the free period is over, so now you have to go back to class." He had a small sarcastic tone in his voice as he put on a little smirk.

"That's okay, I kinda enjoy this school!" Her bright smile once again spread across her face.

"Good. See you around Kanae." He told her as he walked away. While he was walking, others were coming down the hall to get to their lockers

"Okay!" Her smile stayed on her face until someone approached her. She felt someone's presence behind her.

"Could you hurry up?" An irritated voice said from behind her. He stood there in annoyance, and she could feel it.

"Oh, yes, I'm so sorry!" She responded panicked. She quickly grabbed the stuff she needed for her next class and stuffed her backpack into her locker. She got up to see the same white-haired man from before. She lowered her head and quickly walked away.

A voice came from behind her once again, "See ya Kocho." He shouted at her.

Still walking away, she shouted, "Whatever!" A smile spread across her face as did his. The difference was that her face was burning up as he only had a little
a peach color across his cheeks.

"Who's that? Your girlfriend?" A boy with short black hair and heterochromatic eyes taunted Sanemi.

"Obanai shut the hell up!" Sanemi shouted at the boy.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever, softie." Obanai teased him again. He had a big smirk on his face it seemed to make him joyful every time he teased one of his friends.

"If anything, you're the softie," Sanemi responded to Obanai while grabbing his stuff.

"What do you mean by that?" Obanai questioned with an offended tone in his voice.

"I see the way you talk to Mitsuri." Sanemi mocked him

A girl with pink and green hair suddenly approached them. "What are you guys talking about? I heard my name." She asked curiously yet cutely.

"O-oh nothing, just naming the people in our 4th period." He responded nervously.

"Oh, okay then. Obanai, how has your day been?" A big bright smile spread across Mitsuri's face.

"G-good," Obanai once again responded nervously. "H-how about y-yours?" He asked. Obanai's face began to turn red.

Eeek, he cares about how I've been, that's so sweet! "Great, now that I'm talking to you!" She told Obanai with her usual cheerful tone.

"Y-yeah me too." He softly mumbled.

"A-are you okay?" She asked, "You look like you're burning up." She told him honestly, worried about him. Sanemi just stood there astonished at how two people could be so cringe.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine," Obanai responded once again, very nervous.

Why are they acting like this? They're so weird. It's sad and honestly kinda disturbing. Get a room or just get married already. I might shoot myself if I stay any longer. "Alright, see ya love birds." Sanemi began to walk away, but he took a look back just to see a look that could kill if looks could kill from Obanai. "Stop giving me that look. I've already seen too many of those looks recently." Sanemi told Obanai with a sarcastic tone. Then he turned back around and continued to walk away.

Obanai turned back around. "I think ima go too, I have to head to class so I'm not late. Bye, Obansi!" She walked away and waved at him. He gave her a soft wave as he began to head to class.

In Class

"Hey, you're Kanae, right?" A girl with pink and green hair in three braids asked Kanae during an independent assignment.

She stopped daydreaming and turned to look at the girl at the desk beside her. "Yeah," Kanae responded.

"Hi! We haven't properly met but I really would like to get to know you! I'm Mitsuri!" She showed off that bright, cheerful smile to go with a cheerful voice.

"Yeah, I would like that," Kanae said in a soft voice. She gave Mitsuri a soft smile.

"I don't mean to pry, but you have a little sister, right? I mean, that's only what I've heard, though." Mitsuri tried to be as quiet as she could because Mr. Gyomei was starting to get a little suspicious of them talking.

"Yeah, actually, I have three sisters," Kanae responded.

"I have quite a few siblings, too!" She still had a cheerful voice, but she was way quieter."I have five! What grades are they in?" She still had that same bright, kind, cheerful smile plastered on her face.

"My two youngest sisters, Kanao and Aoi, are both in 7th grade attending the middle school. My other sister, Shinobu, is a freshman." She enjoyed talking about her siblings, and so did Mitsuri.

"All my siblings are a lot younger than me, but I try to spend as much time as I can with them." She responded. "I don't mean to be rude, but I was wondering if you knew the answer to number five?"

"I do, but why should I give it to you?" Kanae teased Mitsuri.

"Mmm. Ooo, I know, maybe because I'm your new BFF!" Mitsuri gave Kanae her signature smile.

"Alright, fine." Kanae rolled her eyes, except she had a smile on her face. She handed Mitsuri her piece of paper to copy off of.

Mitsuri grabbed the paper. "Thank you!" She still had a smile as she copied off Kanae's work.

It was only her second day, and she already had a friend, or BFF as Mitsuri called it. Maybe even two friends. Only her second day and she was enjoying her new school. She might just like this school more than her old one.



𝓣𝓻𝓾𝓵𝔂 𝓜𝓲𝓷𝓮 ☆ 𝑺𝒂𝒏𝒆𝒌𝒂𝒏𝒂

𝓣𝓻𝓾𝓵𝔂 𝓜𝓲𝓷𝓮 ☆ 𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐤𝐚𝐧𝐚Where stories live. Discover now