~𝑴𝒚 𝒘𝒊𝒔𝒉 𝒊𝒔...~

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Sanemi and I have been spending a lot of time together recently. It's been hard to ignore the fact that everyone seems to know about the kiss we shared at the party, but it's almost as if they're afraid to mention it in our presence. Sanemi made it very clear that he wouldn't tolerate anyone talking bad about it, even going so far as to threaten Akio with violence if he dared to say anything. And yet, in a strange twist of fate, Akio actually did tell people about it, warning them that their lives were on the line if they spoke of it. Surprisingly, it seems like people took his warning seriously, and no one has said anything to us about it since.

No one knows about the other certain situation at the other party. Thank God. If anyone knew I would possibly die. Like possibly jumping off a seventeen-floor building. I mean, even Mitsuri has no clue about it. I want to tell her but at the same time, I don't want to because I feel like if one person knows then somehow everyone finds out, the entire school. Even if that person didn't say a word about it. I'm just relieved that it's still a secret only between me and Sanemi. And God of course.

Sometimes I wonder what would happen if everyone did find out. Would Sanemi still protect me? Would my classmates see me as a slut? It's unfair that I would most likely be looked at that way while Sanemi would probably get praise for it. It's a scary thought, but one that I can't seem to shake.

Meanwhile, Mitsuri has been buzzing with excitement about the upcoming volleyball season. She's been begging me to try out for the team with her, but I'm not sure if I'm cut out for it. Volleyball is known to be one of the hardest sports to play, and I don't want to embarrass myself on the court. But then again, when I play with Mitsuri, it's hard not to get caught up in her enthusiasm.

She says I'm a natural even though I screw up 24/7. She's offered to teach me a million times and yet I still refuse. Tryouts are in a month and Mitsuri is convinced that she can get me in shape for volleyball. Not body-wise but playing-wise.

Mitsuri is in charge of the team. Not officially or anything like that. They just respect her and obey her instructions. She's in that position with them because of her flexibility, strength, and her perfect performance. And her lovely personality. Like who couldn't love her? She's a literal angel and I don't think she realizes the impact of when she does something as simple as smile.

I just wish she knew how much of an impact she has on people's lives. She can make anyone's day completely turn around. That's what I love most about her. She's the sweetest person with the sweetest heart. She shines bright like the sun.

What's weird is that it doesn't seem like her team is nice even though she can spend hours trying to convince me that she loves her teammates. Hours of telling me her teammates are some of the nicest people she knows. Well, other than me of course. I've never seen her teammates talk to her. Never. Not once. They've had plenty of chances to, but they still don't. I don't get it.

I might try it out. It seems like fun. The team enjoys it from what I can tell. Mitsuri enjoys it. It might be good for me.

Just to get my mind off things. Like the stares that never disappear, the stares full of dissatisfaction. The whispers Mitsuri keeps telling me about. How I'm not good enough. Y'know what? They can all kick rocks. I don't care anymore. They're just jealous. I know people say that just Tomales themselves feel better, but I truly mean it. They're only talking about me because I've been hanging out with Sanemi.

I wish they could just leave us alone. We're not even together. Imagine if we were.

Sanemi and I are walking down the hall. "Y'know you still haven't made your wish." I look up at him since he is much taller than me. "What is it?"

He has a puzzled face, "Wish?"

I stick my neck out, raising my eyebrows. "The party?" It's still not getting through his head. A bell has yet to be rung. "You said if I went I had to grant you a wish." It finally got through to him."

"Oh, that one," he realizes and smiles.

I cock my head to the side, showing that I'm waiting for his answer. "Well?"

"I don't know just yet... but I have a few ideas." He says blithely.

"What are they?" I ask as calmly as I can even though on the inside I'm desperate. He just shakes his head. No? Seriously? Why can't he just answer the question?

I can't help it anymore. "Tell me, please?" I say in my high-pitched voice when I'm trying to get an answer. "I'm begging you!" I say eagerly. I grab his arm and hang on it. I pucker out my bottom lip and give him my begging eyes. I'm prepared to get the answer out of him. I lower my head but look up at him with my eyes only.

"No!" He says giggling with a big smile.

"Please!" I plead with him. "The anticipation is going to eat me alive!"

"Fine!" He sighs. "Not here though... come this way." He grabs my hand with the same arm I was hanging onto a minute ago. He brings me to the hall on the other side of the school that no one walks through or goes remotely close to there. He pulls me in by the hips and looks at me. His deep purple eyes stare into mine.

I feel my heart beating like a drum. I know I'm blushing because my face feels like it's on fire. It feels so romantic just standing this close to him. Standing this close to him when he's completely sober. Not an ounce of alcohol in him. The crazy thing is that it's like I can hear his heartbeat. That's how close I am to him.

I can hear each breath he takes. I want to smile but for some reason, I can't, and it's not because I'm sad I just can't smile. I'm not sad I think I'm just too in the moment. When his next words leave his lips they ring in my ears for a minute, "My wish is..."



I'm sorry this took absolutely forever. I'm also sorry for the cliffhanger but it creates anticipation and I love it when you guys get anxious. It's kinda funny sorry but it just makes me laugh. I already have some of it planned I'm my head but I need to plan out more so yeah. Anyway, thank you guys for the support!!! Don't forget to vote!!! Also, keep commenting it makes me smile a ton!!! Plus it gives me a lot of motivation so thank you again byeeeee!!!!<3 (also I got the Twilight books and I'm so excited but they are HUGE)

𝓣𝓻𝓾𝓵𝔂 𝓜𝓲𝓷𝓮 ☆ 𝑺𝒂𝒏𝒆𝒌𝒂𝒏𝒂

𝓣𝓻𝓾𝓵𝔂 𝓜𝓲𝓷𝓮 ☆ 𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐤𝐚𝐧𝐚Where stories live. Discover now