Chapter 1: Summer Plans

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Rainbow Dash's pov.

"Ugh, its summer. And I have no idea what to do." I said. I was sitting upside down on my couch.

"Every body is busy, and I don't go to the academy till tomorrow." I said tossing my soccer ball to the wall catching it as it came back, and repeating.

"I know! I can take tank for a walk!" I said getting up and going to my room. Tank was asleep. Darn it. Just then the door rang. I ran to it to be greeted by Pinkie Pie.

"Hey Pinkie Pie, what's up?" I said.

"Eh, not much. I just wanted to stop by to see if you needed help with anything." She shrugged. Pinkie? But she was always busy.

"Well, I'm not doing anything either wanna hang out?" I asked. She got all jumpy. "Of course! Where?" She asked. I thought for a sec. The carnival did arive to town a few days ago. That would keep her busy.

"The carnival?" I asked. She nodded. "Ok then see you later." I said. "Okie dokie lokie" she said and skipped off.

I went back inside and tank woke up. I guess I will be taking tank out after all.

Pinkie's pov.

Wow. Rainbow is going to the carnival with me. My very best friend rainbow dash, is going to the carnival with me. I skipped home and saw Mr and Mrs Cake scrambling around getting some cupcakes ready.

"Hello Mr and Mrs Cake!" I said.

"Oh, hello there Pinkie Pie." Mr Cake said. They were all over the store, getting orders ready. While tending to the fillies. I have some time before the carnival... Maybe I can help? "Is there any way I can he-" Mr Cake cut me off "Oh thank you so much pinkie, here are some orders to fill in by noon." He said stacking boxes of cupcakes in my hands. I nodded and walked off.

Rainbow Dash' POV

I walked with tank to the park and back, and now I'm tired. I go home to take a shower deciding what I'm gonna wear.

"Ugh, since when am I good with choosing outfits?" I said to myself. I texted fluttershy out of boredem and a headache from not knowing what to wear.

Hey fluttershy. Are you busy?-me

No, why?-Fluttershy

I need your help choosing an outfit to wear-me

Where are you going?-Fluttershy

To the carnival, with Pinkie.-me

Ok, I'll be right over.-She replied.

And soon enough she was there.

Pinkie's POV

"D-done...Mr... Cake. All...74 orders... Delivered." I said panting.

"You know pinkie you could of taken your time?" He said. I nodded. "Yea... But I'm going to the carnival with rainbow." I said. He nodded. I went up stairs for an outfit. I was in a fickle. I didn't know what to where. I mean... I was just hanging with rainbow. What's the big deal?

I finally pick out this dark pink dress with three balloons on it and I go downstairs to wait for rainbow dash.

Rainbow's POV

"Ok fluttershy, I think that's enough brushing" I said annoyed she was brushing my hair for the last hour. And wouldn't stop. I was wearing my white shirt with a rainbow lightning bolt on it, blue shorts and shoes. My hair was in a ponytail, if Flutter Shy would finish.

"Sorry, your hair is so... Soft. And easy to brush." She says finishing the ponytail. "Done." She says. "Thanks fluttershy." She nods and leaves then I walk to sugar cube corner to see pinkie eating a cupcake.

"Hey, Pinkie." I said.

"Hey Dashie, I thought you'd never come." She said embracing me in a hug. I blushed a bit. I didn't do hugs, but, this was pinkie pie.

"Well are you ready?" I asked. She nodded, and we left.

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