Chapter 10: Suprise

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Rainbow's POV

"We're all clear?" I asked Amber Gem who nodded schemingly. "Just be on your way back in 8 hours and you should be fine. The time zone will cover your butt." She said with a wink. I nodded and grabbed my backpack slowly leaving my room.

I tip toed down the hallway, trying to avoid waking anyone up as I escaped through the front of the academy. As I made it out I look to my window and give Amber Gem a thumbs up before leaving.

It would be a long journey, but worth it to see the look on Pinkie's face. Due to the time different of the academt to ponyville, I just would have to leave in a few hours. A few hours is better than none. As I continued my journey as my phone buzzed, it was the group chat.

Did anyone solve question 3?-Rarity

Not exactly...-Fluttershy

Not at all.-AJ

I think it's the square root of 5 over the square root of 6-Twilight

Ahhh that makes sense-Rarity

Twilight to the rescue!-AJ

But Pinkie never texted, she always texts in the group chat relatively quick. Let me try to private message her.

Hey Pink, are you on?-Me

No reply. That's odd. Maybe she's busy with the twins? She did tell me about how Mr and Mrs. Cake was M.I.A lately. That just means I need to quicken my pace, she might really need me.

Pinkie's POV

I really need her. I feel so lonely. Stop that Pinkie Pie! You need to get a hold of yourself. Do something fun! Forget about Dash. But what's fun without dash? My thoughts were soon interrupted by the sound of the twins creating havoc.

After some attempts to settle them the door rang. It was the crusaders. "Apple bloom, Scootaloo, Sweetie Bell, what can I do for you?" I asked, they all had disgusted, confused faces on. "What uh, happened to ya hair Pinkie?" Apple bloom asked, I sighed.

"An experiment." I said, trying to change the topic. "Well, we wanted to send a care package to Rainbow Dash for making it on the team!" Scootaloo asked getting pumped, tears started forming on my eyes. Sweetie bell punched Scootaloo as she continued. "We know how close you two were and wanted to know if you wanted to join." She asked with a smile.

"Sure thing.... I'll uh, get back to you on that. I'm a little backed up on orders right now." I lied. Sugar cube corner has been a ghost town for a while now. I just hope they wouldn't see past my lie. "Oh alright, try to get back to use soon though. We don't want to wait too long." Sweetie bell said politely as the three left. I sighed.

I returned to my room and brainstormed what to get Dashie. I could get her a bag, or new shoes, or a cute new hat. Just as these thoughts crossed my mind I heard the bell of the shop ring again. "We're closed!" I yelled out. No reply. I sighed and stood up heading down stairs to see no one. "Hello?" I asked.

I got my reply when the twins started crying. I immedietly ran to their room as the crying stopped. I opened the door to see Rainbow Dash starting with them in her hands putting them to sleep. "I thought you would need some help with these pains." She smiled as tears started streaming down my cheeks.

I got nothing to say except I guess I'm back? And I'm sorry for leaving for so long. But I'm back and better than I was, what two years ago? Lol. I hope y'all didn't miss me too much.

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