Chapter 14: Only one on my mind

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Rainbow's POV

It's been about a year since I went to Ponyville. Since I've heard from Pinkie Pie... I wrote to her for a week after that night and never got a responce. I've sent her many messages, but that didn't work either. I've gotten many gifts from my friends but never from her.

After about six months Amber Gem confessed to me, and I just accepted it. Once more, I cheated on Pinkie Pie. This time in anger for myself. I knew I'd never be good enough for her now. At this point in time, Amber Gem and I are dating, but I'm not happy.

Apple Jack still writes to me, as I do her, and I can tell she still has feelings for me. But I feel like she's the reason Pinkie isn't responding to me. Every day I think about her, but it just hurts me more and more.

"Good morning Dashie." Amber Gem said smiling widely. I gave a small smile back. "Ms. Spitfire said we have the week to ourselves. I was thinking... Maybe you'd want to meet my family?" She asked, I shook my head causing her to frown. "Why not?" She asked frowning.

"I want to see my friends in Ponyville. I haven't seen them in almost two years." I said, begining to pack my stuff. "Dashie... I don't want you going back there...." She said, anger grew in my veins. "Why not?" I wasn't always like this.

"I mean, after what happened between you and Pinkie Pie, I don't want that to happen to us." She said cautiously. I rolled my eyes, but she didn't see. "It wont." I said. We don't have anything for me to cheat on. "Well, can I at least give you a goodbye gift?" She asked, wraping her arms around me to squeeze my butt.

This is how things usually go. We talk, or fight, and then she does this. It's become such a habit. I just let her though, might as well make someone happy. After that, we went on our ways as I left for Ponyville.

Pinkie's POV

After a year or so, Cheese and I got together. Nothing more than cuddles was involved though. I knew I was still hurt by Rainbow Dash and he didn't want to take advantage of that. I've gotten many messages and letters from Rainbow, but I have enough respect for Cheese and for myself to not open them.

But today, I think I want to take us a bit further. I want to explore the realm that Rainbow got to explore without me. I want to see why she could of did it.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by the cake twins crying. Mr and Mrs Cake came back a month or two after Rainbow left, however they have to go back to Canterlot to finish up something. Probably a large order.

The door bell rang as Apple Bloom entered. I sighed. After Spike told me what happened, Apple Jack has been sending Apple Bloom to place and pick up order for her. I can tell because I know what Apple Bloom likes.

"Hey Apple Bloom, nice to see you." I greeted, she smiled. "Hey Pinkie Pie, can I, uh, get a simple apple cake?" She asked. Yeah, that's the usual for her. "Sure thing." I smiled and went to the back. Each time I make this trip I think about poisoning it, but that's too easy.

"Here you go." I smiled, she took the cake and left the amount it was on the counter. It was like this all day. Costumers in, costumers out. Some new, some old.

Once it got late enough I changed into a light blue nightgown that was pretty short. I sat by my window and was just in time to see a few stars at the sun set. Polaris caught my eye, obviously.

"You never cease to capture my eye everynight, Polaris." I said, staring dreamily into the star. "No matter what happened, you're the first and last thing I look for at night." I sighed reaching for my brush.

"Rainbow, tonight I'm going to explore the realm that you once did. With or without you. Either way, you will be the only one on my mind." I said standing up, I straighten out my night gown and held my hand to my necklace.

"Hopefully, I won't be only in your mind." I heard a voice say as a pair of arms wrapped around my waist. I turn around to meet two beautiful yet hurt pink eyes and my lips couldn't help but long for them. I gave them what they wanted.

The kiss was passionate and lustful. It was full of everything I could of ever imagined. I was brought into a world of want and need. I needed this. Soon enough I felt a hand slip around my butt and wrap my legs around a waist.

The kiss intensified but I wanted more. This was all I wanted for a full year, and I finally got it. So of course I want more. And I knew soon I would get it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2019 ⏰

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