Chapter 8: Three months later...

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Pinkie's POV

Its been three months since Rainbow left... School already started. Mr and Mrs Cake left about two months ago unexplained. And she's still not back...

I put on my pink dress, it had a cloud belt and a rainbow skirt-like, rainbow leggings and pink high tops. I miss rainbow dash sooo much and I put my hair in a pony tail. I went to where gummy sat.

"Hey gummy." Gummy blinked. "What is it?" I asked. He blinked again. "What do you miss rainbow to?" I asked. Blink. "Yeah." I sighed "I miss her too." I said. I looked at all the letters she sent me the past three months. How she met new people, and how she got little medals, and her a venture over all. I'm really happy for her. But I really miss her. I had to send her her homework. She's missed two weeks of school.

I got my dark pink bookbag with three balloons on it and packed it up. Including some balloons, candy, and gummy. I can't leave those behind. I skipped downstairs. And saw the kids sound asleep. I might have to come back during lunch to feed them..

Just incase I left some baby food  next to them. They're smart kids. I skipped out the door too school when I felt my phone viberate. I looked at it someone text. It was Dashie?

Hey, your going to school now. Right?-Dashie

Yep.- me



Just asking.-Dashie

Umm, but we usually write, why are you texting me?-me

Idk because I felt like it-Dashie

Aren't you training or something?-me

Nope. Not till 9-Dashie


So I have time to talk to my girlfriend ;)-Dashie girlfriend?

Oh yeah...-me akward...

Anything I'm missing at school?-Dashie

Not besides the stuff I send you-me

Oh well you won't have to send me my work today.-Dashie

Why not?-me

Can't talk got to go-Dashie

Oh ok bye-me

Love you-Dashie

Love you too-me

I got to school and put my phone in my bag. I went to where the others were.

"I can't believe it!" Fluttershy said excitedly.

"I know but we can't tell pinkie. Okay?" Rarity said.

"Yeah, we want it to be a surprise for her, we don't want to ruin it for now do we?" I cut in. "Ruin what for me?" I asked cutting off Aj. "Umm how long were you there?" Twilight asked. "Not long." I said. Then the bell rung. We all went to first period.

Rainbow's POV

Three months... Three hard, tiring, exhausting months.

I finish my homework from the night before. And I was tired. It was 12:01. It was way past my bed time. And I was tired. I had just mailed my homework and classwork back to pinkie. I put on my pajamas and went to lay down. I looked over to my desk. All the letters that I sent pinkie, and she sent me. I missed her.

"Okay, everybody I have good news." Ms. Spitfire said. "You all passed!" She said to the few people left trying out. We all jumped for joy. "Other news." she continued. "You guys would have to say here for two years and will have to move too participate in the school here." I was shocked. Two more years? Without seeing my friends, or pinkie? Then I have to move too?

"Hey, we made it. Congrats Dash." Amber said reaching her hand out to give me a high five. I turn and walked away. I went to my room, and ploped on my bed. And got my pillow and screamed into it. Amber came into the room.

"What's wrong Rainbow Dash? Arent you excited about being the few to make it?" She asked. I shook my head. "Why not?" She asked. "I would have to say bye to my friends..." I said. Starting to cry. "Oh, but you will make new friends! Better friends probably!" I got really mad at that last part.

"No I won't!" I said getting mad. "What's so special about the friends you got from ponyville?" She asked sitting down while texting someone. "Their my friends. They are the best." I said. "How?" She said.

"I bet you won't find anyone more Honest than Applejack. More kind than Fluttershy. More Generous than Rarity. More Happier or Funnier than Pinkie pie. Or Magical than Twilight." I said. She gasp. "P-princess Twilight Sparkle?" She asked. I nodded.

"Your friends with a Princess?" She asked. I nodded again. "Wow. I can see why you don't want to leave." She said. I stood up and stomped. "I'm not her friend just because she's a princess!" I yelled. Then someone knock at our door.

"Spitfire wants to see everyone, outside."

Pinkie pie's POV

School finished I had RD's homework but I wouldn't deliver it. Like she said. I was with the others when I got a text. From Rainbow.

The mailman walked to my mailbox and pulled out a letter as I stared egarly at him. "Pinkie Pie?" He asked. "That's me!" I said snatching the letter from him and running back inside. "Hold it! !" I said. Everyone gathered around me. 'Hey Pinkie, I made it! One of the few too! But I have bad news... I have to move and stay here for two more years... Tell the others I can't be visiting like I thought I could.'

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