Chapter 7: One day later...

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Pinkie pie's POV

She left...

I started to cry and my hair poofed down. Then I walked home. I got upstairs and put my pj's on. It was 10:58, I had just finished cleaning the remains of the party. I sat on the window ledge.

"Polaris..." I whispered. I wasn't gonna go to sleep until I saw Dashie again. "I wonder if rainbow is looking at you right now..." I said. I felt my eyelids go heavy and myself go to sleep.

Rainbow's POV

I woke up when I arrived. I was a few hours late.

"Ok, everyone! Get ready!" I heard Spitfire yelled. "Go!" She yelled. I walked up to her.

"Um, Hello Ms.Spitfire, my name is Rainbow Dash-" I started. "Ah, yes, I remember you from last time. Your late." She said. "Um, yes... But I'm here now!" I said. She sighed. "Ok dash get ready. We are practice running right now." She said. I nodded and ran off to the room I was staying at.

I put on the outfit Rarity gave me, and my matching sneakers. Then I put my hair up in a ponytail. And I left for the track. Lining up with the others.

"Ok! Now you guys think you got what It takes to be a wonderbolt?" She asked. Everyone responded. "Ma'am yes ma'am!"

"To be the toughest of the toughest." She said. Once more we responded. "Ma'am yes ma'am!"

"To be the best athletes in all of equestria?" She asked. Again. "Ma'am yes ma'am!" We said.

"Then give me 50 laps." She said. And blew her whistle. 50? That's easy! Some people groan. And I took off.

Pinkie's POV

I woke up, it was 11. I yawned. I wonder if Dashie sent me something? I thought. Then I ran downstairs and checked the mail. Nothing. Then Applejack came.

"Pinkie not again.." She started. " Oh. No, no, no, I'm not gonna wait here all day! I'm just checking now, to see if she wrote over night. I'm not sitting around here all day. I got things to do." I said. She nodded.

"Ya know ya'll could just text each other." She said. I thought for a second. "I guess..." I said. Then I heard Pumpkin and Pound Cake screaming their heads off. "Oh sorry Aj got to go!" I said before running upstairs to the kids rooms.

"Oh no! What's the matter?" I asked. Then looked at me and points over to the door. "Your hungry?" I asked they nodded. I picked them off the crib and took then downstairs. I wonder where Mr and Mrs Cake is. I thought while getting them baby food. I started feeding them when the bell rung. A costumer.

"Oh, wait right here!" I said, I put the food down and walked to the main room where I saw Fluttershy. "Hiya Fluttershy! What do you need?" I asked.

"Angels birthday is coming up and..." She started. "OMG this calls for a party!" I will need balloons, streamer, confetti, OH they can be shaped like bunnies, OR like carrots or...

"Oh, sorry Pinkie but Angel doesn't want a big party... Just a cake." She said sadly. Awww "Well, its ok. What kinda cake?" I asked. "Umm a car-" crash!

"Oh no the fillies!" I yelled while going over to where they were. Pumpkin was throwing boxes and bowls everywhere. And Pound Cake was knocking stuff down as he climbed the cabinet.

"No. No. No! Get down from there!"

Rainbow Dash's POV

I was tired. Sure 50 laps weren't that bad, but she forgot to count our laps, so we had to start all over again. And I was tired.

"Hey, you must be Rainbow Dash." Someone said to me. I looked up. I saw a girl with orange hair and red highlights all in a braid, walk up to me.

"I'm Amber Gem." She said. I nodded and shook her hand. "Your new?" I asked. She nodded. "Yeah I just joined, how did you know?" She asked.

"This is my second time here I know just about everyone who's been here." I said. She nodded. "Where's your room?" I asked. She gave me a piece of paper. Room 261, she's my room mate.

"Wow your my room mate." I said. "And I thought things like this happens only in movies." She said. We walked over to the room and settled in.

"So where are you from?" She asked. "Ponyville." I said. "Cool. I always wanted to visit, are the people their nice?" She asked. I nodded. We talked for a few hours until 9:00.

"Well I'm going to bed, we have a big day tomorrow. What about you?" She asked.

"I got to write a note to my friend." I said. "Write? Why don't you text her?" She asked. I shrugged. "She wanted me to write." I said, starting the letter.

Pinkie pie's POV

It was 12 o'clock. I had just tucked the twins in. They were super hyper today. And they mad a big mess. And now I have Fluttershy's order to fill. But all that is for tomorrow.

I went to check the mail when I saw something. I took the letter out. "Its from Dashie!" I yelled. I ran upstairs and sat in my bed. I opened the letter.

"Dear Pinkie Pie, Hey, sorry I didn't write earlier, Ms. Spitfire made us do 50 laps then 50 more because she forgot to count. Then I met a new girl named Amber Gem, she's cool but I still like my ponyville friends more. Lastly I thought it was better to write when I saw Polaris, so I know you got the letter. It was an okay first day back, but I still miss you. Catch me up with the ponyville gossip. And good night. Love you." I read out loud. I looked over to Starry Night. And got my paper and pen.

'Dear Dashie, That is super cool! I'm glad you met a new friend! And yeah, I'm looking at Polaris right now too. Ponyville is normal. Except I can't find Mr and Mrs Cake, so I'm busy with the fillies until I do. I miss you too. And hopefully you have a better second day. I love you.' I finished and went to the post office to deliver the mail.

I got upstairs changed and went to bed.

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