Chapter 4: The Party Planner Planing

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Pinkie pie's POV

I ran to Twilight's castle first. It was midnight but I had to finish the party ideas. I got to her castle and knocked on the door. A tired spike opened the door.

"Oh, Hey pinkie. What do you need?" He asked. "I need to see twilight." I said. "Oh, she's sleeping. But can I help you with anything?" I know how much spike likes to be included in things so I don't want to she him upset or sad...

"Ok, I was just wondering if twilight had any extra journals." I asked.

"Yeah, she does. Hold up let me get it for you." He went in side and out and brought me the journal. "Why do you need a journal?" He asked. "I need a new journal to plan for Rainbow's party tomorrow." I said. He nodded.

"Can I help?" He asked. "Oh, well... I appreciate it-" he cut me off "oh please pinkie pie." He said begging. Well, I need some help with the invites. "Yeah, you can hand out the invites." I said handing him a stack of papers. He nodded and took off.

I half skipped half ran to the party store. I got rainbow everything. Rainbow confetti, banners, party hats, balloons, streamers, and other party stuff. The bags were really heavy. That's when I saw Rarity.

"Hello Pinkie pie. What are you doin here out late?" She asked. "Throwing a party." I said. "Let me guess. Rainbow Dash's going away party?" She asked I blushed. How did she know. Then I sadly nodded. "Here let me help." She said using her magic to carry some party supplies. We got to sugar cube corner.

"Thank you so much Rarity." I said. "No problem Darling." She said. "If you need me you know where to find me." She said. I nodded and she left. I then started to decorate when spike came.

"I gave all the invitations out to the guests." He said. I smiled. "Thanks spike. And for that I have a gift for you." I said giving him a bowl of gems. He drooled. "Wow pinkie where did you get these?" He asked eating his bowl of gems. "I know people." I said. "Anything else I can help with?" He asked. I shook my head. "Sorry spike. That's all. Go and get some sleep, its gonna be a pretty exciting party tomorrow." I said. He sadly nodded while eating another handful of gems and left. I continue to decorate. Then it was 3:56 in the morning. So I decided to work on the gifts. "She's gonna love this!" I said with a tear slipping down my eyes. After the gifts I started to work on the cake. When I saw Applejack.

"Pinkie pie? What are ya doing up this late?" She asked. "No the real question is what are you doing up this early?"I responded. "Umm gettin some apples?" She asked confused. "And ya?" She asked. "Making a cake. Wanna help?" I asked. "Uh sure." She said.

We made a HUGE rainbow cake. And a few dozen rainbow cupcakes. After all of it was finished. I smile. 5:55 in the morning. And I finished. "Thanks Aj. I appreciate it a lot." I said. "No problem." She said. And left.

I got upstairs and crawled into bed. I hope this is a big enough good bye party...

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