Chapter 6: The Good bye

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Pinkie pie POV

I woke up, it was 12:30. "Omgomgomg!" I yelled. "The party!" I ran around sugar cube corner checking everything.

"Ok." I said checking the last thing it was 12:49 so I went upstairs to change. I put on my pink dress with rainbow balloon prints all over it. I brush my hair a bit and run downstairs to open the doors.

12:59 the clock said. Then 1:00 I opened the doors. Everyone came in. While I looked for a certain cyan pony. What if she couldn't come? What if she had to leave? I thought. But my thoughts were interrupted when I saw a certain rainbow hair friend of mine.

Rainbow dash POV

Pinkie's out done herself this time. I thought. I looked around so many decorations. Then a pink blur came running towards me tackling me in a hug. Pinkie pie.

"Hey, pinkie. Great party!" I told her. She smiled. "Thanks Dashie. I was hoping you'd like it." She said. I nodded and we walked inside too where the others were. And we just talked. A few hours past and the girls wanted me to opens my gifts.

I picked Applejack's first. Orange and red with a rainbow bow. It was a new soccer ball, that had a message on it. And it came with a matching head band. That said 'Aj & RD' on it. I smiled. "Thanks Aj. I love it." I said giving Applejack a hug. "No problem rainbow." She said wipping a tear away.

I then chose Fluttershy's gift. Yellow and pink. With another pink ribbon. But the box was much smaller. But I didn't care. I opened it, it was a bracelet. In graved was a little message. But I'm reading messages later. I smile "Thanks Fluttershy." I said. "Sorry it wasnt anything big.." She said. "No I love it." I replied.

Next was Rarity's gift. The box. I opened it. (Purple and white with if course a rainbow ribbon) It was a awesome outfit for running. Short rainbow pants, and a blue shirt. On the shirt and pants it had the 'Rarity & Rainbow Dash Friends till the end.' sign on it. And a note from rarity. "I love it rarity! I'll wear it as soon as I get to the academy!" I said. She smile. "Glad you like it."

Twilight's turn. The purple and pink gift with a rainbow bow (shocking bow color). I opened it. It was a scrap book of all our adventures in pony ville with our friends. It was amazing. At the end was a message from twilight. "Thanks Twi." I said. Starting to tear up. Then we got into a group hug.

"Wait. What about my gift?" Pinkie said. She handed me her gift. Looking like she would cry. It was different. Rainbow rapping paper with a pink bow. I opened it. It was a little box. I opened the box and it was a star pendent. And inside had a message ingraved. But like I said Messages are for later. I smile "Thanks pinkie." I said giving her a hug. 4:00 I had to go.

"Well thanks every body but I really have to go now.." I said. Twilight, Applejack, and Rarity, not wanting to ruin her makeup, were tearing up. Fluttershy was silently crying and pinkie was non-stop crying. I was tearing up myself.

I went home and got my stuff. My friends wanted to walk me to the train.

I gave each of my friends a hug. But when I got to pinkie pie. I really started to cry. I gave her a hug. "I-I love you Dashie.." She whispered. I kinda got thrown back but I knew I felt the same. "I love you too, Pinkie." I said. Then I broke the hug, and kisses her cheek."I will see all of you in a few weeks." I said waving to them. The I got on the train and left.

It was a long train ride so I decided to read the notes. I took out the soccer ball Aj gave me. She wrote her note on the ball. It said: 'Dear Rainbow Dash, I'm gonna miss ya a whole bunch. I hope you accomplish you're hopes and dreams. Keep in touch! Love ,Aj' I smile and put the ball down. I took out the head band and put it on.

Then Fluttershy's bracelet. 'Dear Rainbow Dash, Thank you for always helping. You were always a loyal friend to me. I will miss you.-Fluttershy' It said. I put the bracelet on.

Then Rarity's note: 'Dear Rainbow, you daredevil you, always pushing yourself for success. Now look at you, your finally trying out at the wonderbolts academy. Im very proud darling. See you soon.-Rarity' I put the note back.

Now Twilight's: Dear Rainbow Dash: Thanks for being so loyal to us. To me. You always were always a great friend to hang with. I packed the lasted Daring Do book in your bag. Have fun!-Twilight Sparkle' I put the scrap book down and found the daring do book. "Thanks Twi." I mumbled.

Now pinkie pie's turn:
Twinkle twinkle little star,
I love you no matter how far.
Up above shinning bright,
For Dashie to see you every night.
Even though we're oh so far,
We will keep looking at this star. I love you.' I shed a tear and looked at the sky it was night time. I looked at Polaris. I closed the locket and put it on my neck. On the out side it said: 'Pinkie Dash Forever' and that's the last think I remember before falling asleep.

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