Chapter 13: Mixed Feelings

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Pinkie's POV

"Pinkie, are you sure you want to do that?" Cheese asked, after gently pushing me away. I looked down. "I-I know I feel something for you. I just needed to confirm it..... I'm sorry." I apologized. He shook his head and smiled. "Don't be sorry, I've like you for a while. I just wanted to make sure it wasn't out of pain from your arguement with Rainbow Dash." He said. I shook my head.

But that's a lie, because I don't know why I did it. I think I do feel something for you, but I'm too overwelmed by what Rainbow Dash is making me feel.

"C-Can you stay the night?" I asked, shyly. He was taken aback and I knew it. After a second he smiled and nodded. I felt better having him by my side.

After a while of convincing him that it's okay to share a bed with me, we finally settled in. "Thank you Cheese." I said, he nodded as I snuggled into his arms. "Anything for you." He said befote drifting off to sleep.

But I couldnt. I wanted to hurt Rainbow Dash like she hurt me. My brain couldn't stop thinking about what would happen if I did something.... more, with Cheese.

No Pinkie, stop that. Rainbow would be so hurt. She'd be so hurt if she found out that you were sharing a bed with him right now. I shouldn't of asked him to stay.... But why do I enjoy his company so much? Soon after I fell asleep.

Rainbow's POV

I couldn't sleep. I betrayed Pinkie Pie. I couldn't sleep. After that kiss one thing led to another, one emotion led to another, and I was laying in AppleJack's arms.. Naked.

I couldn't believe I did what I did. But what hurts even more is how good it felt. How much fun and pleasure I had from betraying Pinkie Pie.... And it made me feel sick.

I had to leave soon so I slowly tried to snake my way out of AppleJack's arms and found my clothes on the floor. I quietly put them back on and snuck out of her place. I had to start heading back to the academy but I wanted to say goodbye to Pinkie.

That's a bad idea, Dash. She already probably hates you, how can you say goodbye to someone who you literally betrayed and left probably crying on her bed.

It's better if I go home, I decided. I started on my way back to the academy feeling guilty and dirty. Once I got there, Amber Gem helped sneak me back into my room as I plopped down on my bed. "What's up Dash?" She asked.

"I messed up, bad." I said placing my head into my pillow. She sat next to me and rubbed my back. "Wanna talk about it?" She asked. I shook my head. I heard her sigh. "Alright, well how else was your trip? I was lonely without you." She laughed. I sighed.

"Alright I guess." I said, sitting up. She gave me a sad smile. "I'm sorry you had to go through that." She said. I smiled back to her as tear started briming on my eyes. "I betrayed Pinkie Pie." I said as I started to bawl. She came over to me and gave me a hug as I spilled all of my feelings.

Pinkie's POV

The next day at school I heard all of the girls talking, but when I went to join they all stopped talking about what they were talking about. I felt weird. After first period I decided to just go home. I wasn't learning anything anyways.

I felt lonely without Cheese, however I realized that since the cakes has been away, no one has been able to run the shop while I was away. We got a lot of costumers when I got back.

"Twenty-four orders? That's insane!" I sighed, I went to check on the twins when I heard the door open again. It was Spike. "Oh, hey Spike!" I said, genuinely glad to see him. He was the only one nod involved in my problems.

"Hey Pinkie, I heard Sugar Cube corner was packed. Need any help?" He asked. I felt a huge weight lift off my shoulders. "Oh. Em. Gee. Yes! I really do!" I said, his smile grew. After about three and a half hours we were able to send out all of the orders.

"Thank you so much Spike!" I said handing him a handful of big beautiful gems. He licked his lips. "Thanks Pinkie Pie! But actually, I came here to tell you something." He said as he pushed away the gems. I tiled my head. "What's that?"

"I heard everyone talk about it, and Twilight told me not to tell you but I think you deserve to know." He said pacing back and forth, pondering if he should tell me. I finally grabed his shoulder and asked. "What is it Spike? Tell me."

"Rainbow Dash cheated on you with Apple Jack." He said. Those words ran through my head slowly. Circling around my brain until finally they sunk in. Rainbow Dash.... Cheated on me?

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