Chapter 12: Dishonesty

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Rainbow's POV

It's been a while since I've hung out with Applejack, and her company was enjoyable. We talked for what seemed like hours, but only was two, about how ponyville has been. I wish it was like that with Pinkie and I.

"So Spike hasn't gotten any closer to getting with Rarity?" I laughed, Applejack shook her head inbetween chuckles. "Nope, not at all." She finished. Once we stopped laughing, her face got rather serious. "Now if ya don't mind me askin'. What happened with you and Pinkie?" She asked, causing me to sigh.

"She doesn't believe that I can handle the wonderbolts academy." I said sadly, Applejack looked suprised. "What? But you're Rainbow Dash! You made it in for a reason." She said, I immedietly stood up. "I know right!"

"Pinkie might just be mad that she won't see you for two years." Applejack said, I sat back down sadly. "I think that's what it is. But you all miss me and support me so well." I said confused. Applejack chuckled before speaking. "It ain't easy Dash, you're an easy person to miss." She said with a small smile.

Her words made me blush. But I was confused, I didn't like her... Did I? I thought I loved Pinkie Pie. I looked down to my hands before noticing a blush appear on her face. "I, uh, when do you have to head back Dash?" She asked shyly.

"In about three hours" I said checking the time. I didn't realize how time flew by so fast. "Oh, that reminds me!" Aj said walking over to her night stand. She pulled out a small box with a rainbow ribbon on it. "Apple Bloom and the crusaders were planning on giving ya a care package, but I wanna give ya my gift now." She said with a shy smile.

I slowly took the gift from her and took off the ribbon I opened the box to find a rainbow watch with lightning bolts as clock hands. It was beautiful. "Wow, Aj, it's wonderful." I said amazed. The moonlight made certaun parts of it shine. "Turn it around." She said, on the back it said something similar to my head band.

'AJ + RD' it said on the back. A small smile appeared on my face. Everything about it was just wonderful. "Wow.. Thank you Apple Jack." I said amazed. The next thing I know her body is right beside me, and her lips are in contact with mine.

Pinkie's POV

I was finally done putting the twins to sleep. It took a while, but I finally pulled it off. It was pretty late so I went upstairs to change into a night gown when I heard the door of Sugar Cube corner open.

I got up with a sigh and walked downstairs. "Look Dashie, I'm so- Cheese?" I asked in shock as an old friend was at the door. "It's me Pinkie." He said, opening his arms for a hug. I ran to him and squeezed him tight.

"Whoa, that was a tight hug. Pinkie are you okay?" He asked, I pulled away and shook my head. "What's wrong?" He asked. I didn't want to make eye contact with him. "Rainbow and I got into an arguement." I said inbetween sniffles.

"About what?" He asked, I wiped away the tears that were threatening to spill. "About her leaving to the Wonderbolt academy." I said, soon after spilling out all the things clouding my mind. We talked about Rainbow Dash, the Cakes, Ponyville, and his travels.

"I still have Boneless." I commented after he told me how many rubber chickens he's been through. He laughed. "Really? I thought you would of lost his by now." He chuckled scratching the back of his head. I shook my head.

"It's upstairs on my bed. Come on, I'll show you." I said as I brought him upstairs. I pulled out Boneless from under a pillow and showed it to Cheese Sandwich. "See? I treasure him dearly." I said, causing him to blush.

"Wow Pinkie, that means so much to me." He said, making me matching his blush. Wait, why am I blushing? I only like Rainbow Dash.... Do I have a crush on Cheese? I guess there is only one way to find out.

"You mean a lot to me." I said, before grabbing his face and placing my lips on his.

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