Chapter 9: Tears

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Pinkie Pie Pov

I ran home crying. I cried and cried. I got a ton of messages and answered none. The twins tried pouring flour on themselfs trying to make me laugh. Gummy couldn't even cheer me up. I was to sad. My hair poofed down. I poped every balloon in my room.

"Rainbow Dash..." I said crying.

Rainbow's POV

When no one answered I got worried. Not even pinkie pie. When I got too the room it was 9:00, tomorrow was the wonderbolt party. Amber Gem was asleep. And I stared out the window at Polaris.

"It feels different... It feels empty." I mumbled staring at the star. It felt as if I was the only one looking at the star. So I texted Pinkie pie.

Hey Pinkie Pie are you awake?-me

A few minutes later she replied.

Yeah... Why?-Pinkie

I worry about you. All you alright?-me. That was a dumb question


Are you okay with me leaving?-me

Not really, but I want you to be happy-Pinkie


Well night Dashie. Love you-Pinkie

Love you too-me

I looked at the star and still felt emptiness. I took out the soccer ball Aj gave me, the bracelet Fluttershy gave me, the note Rarity gave me, the scrap book Twilight gave ne and the necklace Pinkie gave me. I re-read all of the note/messages that they gave me. Remembering all the good times we had together. But I got tired and just went to bed.

Pinkie pies pov

I woke up and got changed. I chose a white shirt with a rainbow lightning bolt and a pair of pants that had balloons on it. I packed my stuff and left. My hair was un-poofed. So I just told people I flattened it. They didn't need to know anything...

"Hey Pinkie pie. What's wrong with your hair?" Twilight asked. "Well I finally took Rarity's advice and changed it." I answered.

"Darling, I never said to change it. Sure I might not agree with the way you wear it. But its your hair, it makes you who you are." Rarity said.

"It killed ya to say that. Didn't it?" Applejack asked. She nodded. I looked away. Then my phone vibrated. It was Rainbow Dash.

Hey-Rainbow Dash


Why didn't you look at our star yesterday?-Rainbow Dash. I put my phone away, I didn't want to answer that, one. Two, my phone was dying cause I forgot to charge it. And three, The bell rung. So I had to go.

Rainbow Dash's POV

When I woke up. Amber was already awkake. "You have some amazing friends Rainbow Dash." She half mumbled half whispered while flipping through the scrap book.

"Yes, I do. But why are you going through my stuff?"

"You left it out when you fell asleep. Your friends make deep messages. You must really miss them." She said. I nodded. She flipped to a picture of me and Pinkie making silly faces at my birthday party.

"You must really love your friends." She said. I started to tear up. "What are you gonna do?" She asked. "Its not like you can go see your friends exactly." She said. I thought for a minute. "Or can I?"

Pinkie Pie's POV

I got a text from Rainbow when I got home. I was ignoring everyone. I wanted to shut everyone out. I got home and did my homework. Once I finished I looked at my textes. I had 9 texts.

Hey Pinkie you wanna help me bake apple pies later?-Applejack.

Hey, um, Pinkie how about you come over and we can have a tea party with Angel and Gummy-Fluttershy

If you want-Fluttershy

Hello darling I need some one to model for a new outfit. Are you available?-Rarity

Hey Pinkie are you okay?-Twilight

Why aren't you answering?-Twilight

Is it cause of Rainbow Dash?-Twilight

Look we all miss her, but its not like she's dead. We can still visit her.-Twilight.

Hey Pinks, I have a huge surprise for you that I know you will like! Just keep a smile on your face and I'll give it to you soon;)-Rainbow Dash. A surprise? Yay! Any surprise from Dashie is the best!

I went to bed that night with a smile.


Sorry it's short guys... I have a lot of things too do before the school year ends. but once it does, I promise too update more!! Next one will be better! I promise!!

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