Chapter 2: The Carnival

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Rainbow's pov

We played games and got cotton candy and had time of fun. And there was a bouncy house, surprisingly.(AJ reference) But Pinkie pie was kinda quiet. She wouldn't talk unless I talked first. Which is weird.

"Rainbow.Dash. Come Jump. With Me!!!" Pinkie pie said in between jumps in the bouncy house. "Pinkie I don't do bouncy houses." I said watching her."Why. Not?" She asked in between jumps.

"Because their too... Bouncy." I replied. "Well duh, it is a bouncy house. Come on. Please." She said getting out of the bouncy house. I couldn't say no to pinkie pie. And I'm leaving tomorrow for the academy... Why not? "Fine."I said. And she dragged me into the bouncy house. It was pretty fun. Until I got tired of bouncing. "Ok pinkie I'm done." I said exhausted. "Okie dokie lokie." She said following me. We sat next to the fountain eating more cotton candy.

"Cool fountain." I said. She nodded. Then I thought. Since I'm leaving tomorrow I should keep some memories. "Hey, wanna take some pics?" I asked. "Oh really?!?!" She asked almost dropping the cotton candy. I laughed and nodded. She got out her phone and we took tons of selfies with the fountain. By then, it was late.

"Ooh Ooh! Let's go on the ferris wheel, Dashie!" Pinkie said. "Oh, okay pinkie-" pinkie cut me of by grabbing my hand and dragging me to the ferris wheel. Her touch making me blush a little. She didn't see it since she was running.

There was no line since it was late. And the man straped us in the cart. And then the moved to the top.

"That's a pretty star!" Pinkie said pointing to the stars. "Yeah, their cool." I said.

Pinkie Pie's POV

"Yeah, their cool." She said. This has been a very very VERY fun day! I mean, sure I didn't talk alot, but that's because I was having so much fun! And caught up in the exciment.

"I like that one." I said pointing to a big star, that was very very bright. "Yeah, I like that one too." She said. I nodded.

"Isn't that Vega?" I asked. She thought for a minute and shook her head. "It might be Polaris then." I said causing her to nod.

The cart started to move which meant our time was ending.

Rainbow Dash's pov

"Polaris is known as the ship-star." I said slowly, trying to remember what I learned in Astronomy class growing up. "Really?" She asked, her eyes sparked with curiousity. They caught me breathless. "Y-Yeah, uh, it's because ships use it to navigate." I added on. She smiled brightly and looked back up to Polaris.

"Aren't we a ship?" She asked, my eyes grew wide as I felt the heat rise to my face. As pink as she was, I could see a blush appear on her face. "Y-Yeah, I think we are." I said, the next thing I knew my lips were on her soft, sweet, pink ones for only a second as the night came to an end.

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