Chapter 5: The party.

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Rainbow Dash's POV

I woke up at nine. "Ugh... Oh I got to get ready for the academy..." I said. I went into the shower, and texted rarity.

Hey, Rarity. What should I wear?-me

I don't know be unique-Rarity

It killed you to say that didn't it.-me



I'll be right over!-Rarity

When she got here she had a bag and two boxes in her hand.

"Uh, Rarity. What are in the boxes?" I asked. She handed them to me. "Your new outfit!"

Rarity pov

I took the outfit out if the bag. It was light blue one top with a cloud-like belt and underneath the cloud the skirt was a rainbow fish tail. As I like to call it. I gave it to her to try on and surprisingly she liked it!

"Thanks Rar, its amazing!" She said. I smiled. "Oh but that's not all." She looked shock. I pulled out one of the boxes and opened it. I took the converse out. She stared in aww. They were white to match the cloud belt.

"Rarity I don't know-" She started. "Ah, but the last box is the best." I said. She stared at it. "But now thinking about it... It would be better if I save it for the party." I finished. I took the box. "She you in a bit?" I asked. She nodded. And I left.

Rainbow Dash's pov

I went upstairs. I loved the dress. It was awesome. It had rainbows, clouds, every thing I liked. And it was awesome and comfortable. I really liked it. But my hair was all over the place. So I went to the bathroom and put it in a simple ponytail. Then my phone rang. It was Twilight.

Your leaving?-Twilight


Why did you never tell me?- Twilight but before I could answer Applejack cut in.

Don't worry sugar cube, I just found out yesterday. While helpin pinkie with the cake.-Applejack. Wait what cake?

But I just found out today!-Twilight.

I found out early Yesterday...-Fluttershy. Oh yeah, I told her when she came to pick my outfit out. I don't Like picking outfits out for special occasions.

I found out late last night, while helping pinkie with the 7 heavy bags of party items-Rarity. Woah 7?

Pinkie brought 7 bags of party items?-me

No, I carried 7 she brought 15-Rarity. 15?!?!

How did you find out twi?-I asked. Changing the subject.

Spike. He is still in bed and has a bowl full of gems. He woke up and told me that he was up all night delivering invitations.-Twilight. Wow.

Poor thing-Rarity

I wonder where Pinkie is.-Applejack.

Probably still party planning- fluttershy. Still?

Yeah, she takes her parties seriously.-Twilight

When does the party start?-me

Umm, 1? I think-Applejack.

Yea- Twilight.

Well I got to go, I still got to finish RD's surprise.-Applejack. Acting like I'm not there.

Me too-Rarity


Then it said Applejack, Rarity, and Twilight left the chat.

Great I'm alone now-me


I was kidding, so what are you doing?-me

Nothing. Oh, besides feeding Angel bunny.-she replied.

Cool- I sent. I got bored, Fluttershy was fun and all. But I don't like starting conversations. Especially if someone won't carry the conversation out. So I just spend some time with tank before I go. I read her a Daring Do book.

A/N: Sorry it took for ever to update. But I have a lot going on. And school starting soon. But I don't have as many reads on this book as I do on others. So if you want me too update this book, or if I'm taking too long to update plz don't hesitate to ask me too update. I'm not making an official date too when I will update this book. Not until I get more reads to make sure I'm not waisting my time on this story. Have a great day/night.

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