Chapter 3: The Walk Home

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Rainbow Dash Pov

"I had a fun time! How about you?" She asked. I smiled. "Me too pinkie."

"Oh, I'm having a party tomorrow!" She said excitedly. "Oh? Who's birthday?" I asked. "No ones birthday, silly. Im throwing a party for Gummy." She said. "A just because party?" I asked causing her to nod. "Ok pinkie I will be- oh wait. I got to go to the academy tomorrow... I can't." I said. She frowned. I didn't mean to make her sad... But she half smiled again.

"Well I guess it will be a going away party!" She half hearted said. I feel real bad now. I know she is trying to smile for me. "But I have to leave pretty early." She frowned again. I feel bad I hope she doesn't think I don't wanna go to her party.

"Well can't I make it earlier?" She asked. I felt bad but I shook my head. "But, I can tell them I'm running a little late..." I started. "But wouldn't that give you bad marks?" She asked. "Not for someone as awesome as me." I said. She smiled again. "Okie dokie." She said. It was silent as we walked.

"Hey, pinkie. Are you okay?" I asked. She smiles and nods. "Of course silly filly! Unless you count being excited for the party tomorrow! I'll make it one you'll never forget!" She said.

"I know you will. Your the best party body in all of equestria!" I said. I could see her blush a little. "Thanks." She said. As she walk me home.

"So are you ready for the wonderbolt academy tomorrow?!?" She ask. I smirked."I've been going to it for about a year. I'm ready. The question is are they ready for me." I said proudly. She smiled. "I bet they aren't, not for the best athlete in all of equestria!" She said emphasizing the last part. It was my turn to blush.

By then we got to my house. She looked sad. "Hey, don't frown. You will see me before I leave tomorrow." I said. She was about to cry. Dang it. "Don't cry pinkie." I said, and I gave her a hug. I heard her silent tears. I felt bad. But the hug felt good.

"You my bestest friend in the whole world. I don't want you to go." She said. That broke my heart. "I'll only be gone for a short while. And I will write." I said breaking the hug. She looked at me in disbelief. "I promise." I said. "P-pinkie promise." She studdered. I nodded.

"Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye. Just don't wait at the mailbox all day waiting for me to." I said. She giggled and nodded. "Well bye then pinkie pie. I'll see you at the awesome party tomorrow." I said walking inside. "Bye, Dashie." I heard her say.

Pinkie pie's POV

Rainbow Dash.... Kissed me? How could she?! She's leaving tomorrow and she had the nerve to kiss me?!... I guess I did kind of enjoy it though.

When I got home all the lights were off. Which meant Mr and Mrs Cake was asleep already. So I go to my room. And plop down on my bed."I miss her already..." I said. Tears flowing from my eyes. "No! I'm Pinkie Pie. I'm suppose to be happy." I said to myself. I got up and got ready for bed. I put on my blue pj's that had pink and yellow balloons all over it. And looked out the window. Ima miss
Rainbow Dash.

Then my pet aligator gummy climb on my lap. I giggled. "Hey gummy." The I moved his mouth and made his reply. "Hey there pinkie pie. What's the matter?" I made him say. "Rainbow Dash." I said. "The one you have a crush on?" He spoke back "SHH!! No one needs to hear!" Then I nodded "yes her. Oh, gummy what am I gonna do rainbow dash is leaving tomorrow... And she won't be back for like forever!" I said to gummy. Gummy just stared at me. I put him down in his bed.

I went down stairs. I push the secret button on my cupcake and my secret lair opened. I rode the slide down and looked at the files. "What type of party does Rainbow Dash like?" I asked myself looking through every party file till I found rainbow's file. And read it. Then I started writing down some notes. To make Rainbow Dash's party the best.

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