Chapter 11: Are you ready?

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Pinkie's POV

"You're back?" I asked. Rainbow just smiled and nodded. If it wasn't for her holding the twins she would be attacked by a hug. "Yeah, but only for a couple of hours." She said placing them down in their crib. "I thought I would spend my time here with you." She shrugged.

Tears started streaming down my cheek as I ran up to finally give her a hug. It was so nice to be in her arms again. Soon after I grabbed her face and kissed her. It's been three months since I felt her beautiful lips on mine. "How has ponyville been?" She asked when we pulled apart. I shook my head and looked at her. "Nothing really new." I said.

I look down to see the twins fast asleep. "Before we wake them up, let's go to my room." I suggested. We walked up to my room.

"So what's up with the cakes?" She asked, taking a seat on my bed. "I don't really know... They said they had something to do and never came back." I said, Rainbow frowned. "How are the twins holding up?" She then asked. I sighed. "They're a lot of work, but I'm managing." I said with a smile.

"How's the academy?" I asked. She smiled. "It's pretty great. Now that I actually have a spot it's even better!" She said, excitment lighting up her face. "Now we have to attend school for the history, the math behind flying and some other small stuff." She said brushing it away.

"That's great Dashie. But what about school here?" I asked. She shruged. "I'm not entirely sure. I guess I have to keep on doing the work until I graduate. Unless I can drop out and do wonderbolt school altogether." She said, I nodded. "Is that really what you want to do?" I asked, she looked at me confused. "Of course it is! I've been dreaming of this since I was little Pinkie!"

"I know, but it's a lot for someone to deal with." I said, she shook her head. "Not me. Not the awesome Rainbow Dash." She said standing up boldly. I sighed and stood up as well. "Dashie, I'm just worried." I said pleading with her. She shook her head. "It sounds to me like you don't believe in me. Which in that case, I'll just leave." She said walking away.

"Dashie, wait!" I said, but it was too late. I heard the door of the store slam shut and the twins begining to cry again. "Don't worry, I feel like crying too." I said trying to quiet them down.

Rainbow's POV

I can't believe how little faith she has in me! She's suppose to support me! Not discourage me! I thought stomping down the streets of ponyville. I looked at the nearest bell tower to confirm two hours has passed by. I sighed and sat down at the nearest flower shop.

"Rainbow Dash?" I heard an familiar country friend say. I looked to see Applejack's familiar smile as she pulled me in for a hug. "I didn't know you would be back today, otherwise I would of made ya somethin." She said. I shrugged.

"I came back to see Pinkie, but we got into a fight." I muttered sadly. She frowned and grabbed my hand. "Well, you can stay at my place until you need to head back." She smiled kindly. I nodded and followed her back to Sweet Apple Acres.

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