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DCBS: Chapter 42

However, this thought only stayed in Pei Qingyuan’s mind for a few seconds before quickly dissipating.

It was because through the glass door of the kitchen, he saw Ji Tong picking up the phone on the table and poking on the screen with a flustered face, as if making a call. Hua Hua beside him was frightened, but also straightened up and looked at the phone screen together with an expression of anxious waiting.

Could it be that he was calling He Shiwen for help…?

This was just a natural reaction of oil when it met water.

After a short period of panic, Pei Qingyuan had already realized what the problem was. He should’ve drained the meat completely before putting it in the oil pan or he should’ve turned down the heat first, nimbly dropped the meat and ran away. Then he could’ve returned when the bursting oil was over.

At least for now, the meat in the pot was still normal.

He hadn’t completely failed yet.

Pei Qingyuan quickly took protective measures and he turned to look at the door. “It’s okay. There is no need to look for Uncle He.”

In the crackling noise, Ji Tong vaguely heard the host’s voice. He paused and looked up.

A moment later, Ji Tong’s fingers involuntarily moved up. The phone completely blocked his face. He moved the camera behind him to the appropriate position and clicked, freezing this commemorative scene.

The young man in the center of the photo held a pot lid in one hand, blocking it in front of him like a shield, while a spatula was held in his other hand. He turned to look at Ji Tong in a hurry and it was completely without the cold demeanor of the past.

Such a host looked really interesting.

His diary would be filled with a wonderful new photo.

The sound of oil popping gradually subsided. Pei Qingyuan relaxed his guard and tried to approach the sizzling pan again. He held the spatula and stir-fried the pork belly that was slightly browned because it hadn’t been turned over in too long.

It went smoothly and there were no more problems.

Pei Qingyuan recalled the recipe imprinted in his mind and felt that everything was back in control.

It was only Ji Tong and Hua Hua outside the door who looked a bit strange.

For some reason, Ji Tong was very happy after putting down the phone. Hua Hua lay flat and rolled around stupidly, the chubby butt with a love heart hitting the ground.

…They could probably smell the aroma of pork belly.

Pei Qingyuan thought uncertainly.

In the following time, Ji Tong and Hua Hua learned to be smart. They supported Pei Qingyuan by taking the small stools outside the door while the meat was being stewed. One child and one cat continued to watch him cook through the absolutely safe glass door.

After passing the hurdle of the oil explosion, Pei Qingyuan seemed to be much more comfortable, especially when he firmly remembered He Shiwen’s advice.

As long as the fire wasn’t out of control, the vegetables in the pot could be saved. They wouldn’t be burnt to the point of being irreparable in the blink of an eye.

The room that was slowly immersed in the night was soon filled with various scents.

The simple aroma of rice wafted from the rice cooker. The braised pork was transferred to the sauce and was bubbling with red sauce bubbles. The sticky tomatoes in the iron pot were softly wrapped in a golden egg liquid.

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