76 Part 2

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DCBS: Chapter 76 Part 2

The contrast between the official press release and the actual interview, as well as the elusive contrasts that naturally existed in Pei Qingyuan’s body, stacked up and completely detonated public opinion.

The news report had been ignored for a week after it was first published and the interview video exploded after it was accidentally discovered by netizens. This made many netizens who personally participated in the ‘step-by-step discovery process’ have a strong willingness to spread the word.

It was because they were the ones who thoroughly brought this excellent high school student who should shine into the public eye.

The first person to experience this feeling was the reporter Li Yayi.

After discussing it with the leaders of the newspaper, Li Yayi was about to release the second half of the video while it was hot. Then she noticed that the number of topics related to it had reached 60 or 70 million and it was continuing to rise.

It was the first time for her to deal with such hot news and she was excited in her heart. She couldn’t help remembering the conversation with Pei Qingyuan more than a week ago.

Once the interview officially ended that day, Li Yayi had asked for Pei Qingyuan’s opinion. “I plan to release the interview video at the same time as the text manuscript. After the video is cut, I will send it to you in advance for you to see. Do you think it is okay?”’

She expected the provincial champion, who seemed to have little interest in most things, to simply answer yes or no.

Unexpectedly, Pei Qingyuan gave the third answer.

“Release the transcript first and then release the video slowly.”

His tone was flat when he said this there was an unquestionable air in it.

Li Yayi was first shocked by this indescribable determination. Then she had a flash of inspiration and thought about the benefits of doing so.

The news release that would appear in the newspaper must be serious and rigid while the video itself had a humor and narrative that was difficult to express clearly in words. Such a sharp contrast combined with the time difference of the dissemination in the two media might mean excellent topicality and communication potential.

Thus, she agreed without hesitation.

At that time, she hadn’t thought much and was complacent of the trick she thought about temporarily.

But in the face of this type of communication that exceeded expectations, Li Yayi suddenly came up with a strange idea.

Did Pei Qingyuan already anticipate this moment when he answered her sentence?

After a brief trance, Li Yayi took a deep breath and pressed the send button of the video blog post.

She didn’t know the answer and she wasn’t going to confirm it with the person.

The power of the news report came from a certain truth but the charm of character stories came from the uncertainty caused by the appropriate blanking of subjective intentions after many events were presented objectively.

She wanted to be like many other ordinary netizens and look for her favorite answer in this interview with a character who should be plain but was actually full of novelty, contrast and complex emotions.

The latest video titled ‘Interview video of Pei Qingyuan, top student of the college entrance examination in Province A (part 2)’ appeared on the homepage of many netizens.

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