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DCBS: Chapter 81

The first contact information that Ji Tong saved in his new phone was Pei Qingyuan’s mobile phone number.

The two of them could communicate directly through their minds and didn’t need to use mobile phones, but when Ji Tong was in human form, he would use normal methods to talk except when the content must be communicated in whispers. Otherwise, it always felt weird.

Now that he had a legal identity, it was better to get along with ordinary humans as much as possible. This way, it wouldn’t become a habit that would lead to him accidentally exposing himself in front of others.

Ji Tong stored Pei Qingyuan’s number in the contacts and subconsciously typed the word ‘host’ in the nickname column. Then he thought about how it would be unexplainable if seen by others and quickly deleted it.

The name Ruan Ruan would damage the tall image of the host and the name Pei Qingyuan was too unfamiliar. Brother was just right.

It was also normal for a homeless boy who was picked up to call the person like this.

Pei Qingyuan quietly watched as his phone number was stored under the name ‘Brother’ in Ji Tong’s phone.

On the way to the museum, Ji Tong enthusiastically registered a social media account commonly used in this world using his new number and added the host first.

Pei Qingyuan saw that the profile picture was a white mushroom. This fluffy, white appearance was soft and cute, making people want to reach out to poke it.

During this journey full of novel scenery, the AI system was addicted to using his new mobile phone and posted a lot of news in his Moments, which only had one friend for the time being.

Most of the stories in the feed were all types of photos and the accompanying text was usually very concise. It only summarized the content of the photos in one sentence. It was because he also secretly hid a diary for chattering.

The photos included strange cultural relics seen in museums, street food where the smell seemed to go straight through the screen, brilliant sunsets in the sky and the silhouette of his companion.

Pei Qingyuan browsed through these photos in his special attention feed and a smile often flashed in his eyes. He gave birth to a small, inexplicable emotion.

He didn’t know exactly how to describe his feelings.

Pei Qingyuan just felt that Ji Tong was really like a homeless boy who was picked up. He lacked the cognition and experience that ordinary people should have, so he seemed enthusiastic.

[Ji Tong: Shancheng New Street is the most crowded pedestrian street I have ever seen.]

[Ji Tong: ⊙o⊙… Yesterday didn’t count. There were more people on the street today.]

[Ji Tong: This is my first time walking the glass plank road! God! Ah!!]

[Ji Tong: I’m going to the beach tomorrow to take a speedboat ヾ(@^▽^@)ノ]

Pei Qingyuan thought that he played the fictional character well.

The travel plan that Pei Qingyuan spent a lot of time on covered all types of cities, from mountain towns surrounded by green mountains to sea cities famous for their beaches and oceans, pilgrimage places with a sparse population and fresh air, fashion cities with a rich nightlife and so on.

Based on Ji Tong’s constant amazement all the way, he felt that this plan worked well.

Only one thing exceeded his expectations.

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