Chapter 3: To Return By Dawn

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Greetings, Keizo-Dono.

I have sent a girl your way who says she wants to become a demon-slaying swordsman. She had the courage to fight me unarmed. A demon slaughtered her family, transforming her surviving brother into a demon, but he chose not to attack humans. I sense something in these two that is different from the others. Like you, the girl has a strong sense of smell. I believe that perhaps she could be worthy of carrying on your traditions. Please train her. I know this is a selfish request, so please forgive me.

May this find you in good health and good spirits.

Sincerely, Hakuji Soyama


"H.. how can I finish it off?" Nezuko asked.

"Don't trust what others say. Can't you solve this riddle yourself?" The man said.

Nezuko stared at the demon's unconscious head, who seemed to be very slowly regaining consciousness. If stabbing, it won't work.. I'll have to crush the head. She glanced over at a large rock and pickled it up. To completely crush the head, I'll have to smash it repeatedly with a rock. It will surely suffer. Isn't there a way to kill it with one blow.

As Nezuko pondered over this anxiously, the man stood behind her and sniffed the air.

Damn. This kid is no good. Her kindness prevents her from taking decisive action. When facing a demon, she still reeks of consideration and sympathy. She even feels sympathy for a demon. Hakuji.. this girl is useless.

Suddenly, the demon regained consciousness. Wha-? I was unconscious. Is my body dead?

"Oh!" Nezuko exclaimed, looking over to the rising sun. "While I was wasting time, the morning has come!"

The sun's rays shot across the horizon, hitting the demon and causing it to begin to burn. "GYAAH!" Screamed the demon as its body turned to ashes.

Nezuko's eyes widened, bringing a hand to her face. Just a touch of sunlight did that?! No wonder Tanjiro fears it! Tanjiro was currently in the building, hidden inside the basket with his head poking out of it.

Oh, yeah.. that guy.

The mysterious man was currently kneeling in front of three graves, holding a burial for the three people the demon had killed. Nezuko walked over as the man got up to her feet. "Um.."

The man turned his head towards her and spoke, "I am Keizo. You must be the one Hakuji told me about."

"Y.. yes. I'm Nezuko Kamado." She then pointed towards the house. "My brother is Tanjiro."

"Tell me, Nezuko. What will you do when your brother eats someone?" The man - Keizo - suddenly asked.

Nezuko's eyes widened, not expecting that sudden question. Keizo slapped her, leaving a mark on her right cheek.

"You think too slowly!" Keizo said. "You struggle over the simplest decisions. You could never finish off a demon before the morning light. Why couldn't you answer that question immediately? You are too soft! When your brother eats someone, there are two things you have to do; kill your brother, then slit your own throat and die! That is what it means to travel with your brother, who has become a demon. But it is your sacred demon to make sure that never happens. Your brother must never take the life of an innocent person! Do you understand what I'm saying?"


"Very well.. I will test you to see if you have what it takes to become a demon slayer swordsman. Shoulder your brother and follow me."


Nezuko was now running after Keizo, whose footsteps were so light they could barely be heard, and she was struggling to keep up with him; she was panting heavily and sweating profusely. Plus, carrying Tanjiro on her back in his basket didn't make matters much better.

He's fast! How old is this guy?! And his feet barely make any sound! Tanjiro.. this'll be rough, but hang in there! But then.. suffering is all you've ever known, big brother.

"Are you mending your haori again? You should buy a new one." Nezuko had said as she saw her brother mending his green and black checkered haori.

"No, no, I'm fine. I like this haori!" He had responded, waving a hand as he smiled. "Instead, I use that money to give the younger kids plenty to eat."

I will make you human again! And then I'll buy you a beautiful haori! Everything I couldn't give to them, I'll give to you!


They'd arrived at Keizo's house at the foot of Mount Sagiri. Nezuko was exhausted, heaving and down on her knees, while Keizo didn't even break a sweat.

"S.. so.. wheeze.. wheeze.. did I.. pass the test?" Nezuko asked, wheezing as she tried to catch her breath.

"The test begins now. Climb the mountain." Keizo responded, while Nezuko stared at him with a look that was like she was saying, 'Are you kidding me?'


They were now climbing up the mountain, Nezuko was tired, and her legs were feeling weak as well as feeling dizzy. Keizo stopped and turned his head to look at him as he said:

"Now, you must descend to the house at the foot of the mountain. This time, I will not wait until sunrise." And with that, he vanished into the fog.

"Huh?!" Is that all? Oh, I get it. He thinks I'll get a loss in this thick fog. I just have to get back before sunrise. That's easy! I have a sharp nose! I've already memorised Keizo's scent!

Nezuko then began to run, feeling confident that she could get back before sunrise. Even if I can't see him, I can still follow him all the way! She suddenly felt her foot snag what felt like a rope, and several rocks came hurdling towards her, and she was hit by each and every one of them.

Who's throwing rocks?! She wondered as she took a step back as rocks continued to be thrown towards her, only for her to fall into a hole. A covered pit! I get it!

These are all traps! That's the trap! Nezuko realised as she climbed out the hole, but her hand ended up touching some string. Uh oh, here we go again! She got hit in the back by a tree log and fell to the ground.

She got back up to her feet, sweating and breathing heavier than ever. I'm in big trouble! If I keep setting off every trap, I won't get down the mountain by morning. And I just noticed.. up on this mountain.. the air's so thin I can barely breathe! It's much worse than the mountain we lived on! That's why I feel so dizzy and tired! I feel like I might pass out!

Despite her exhaustion and dizziness, she pushed forward. No! I gotta get back! Control your breathing. Sniff out the traps. Traps have to be set by someone, and those scents must linger. Yes! I can smell them!

Nezuko continued walking, her confidence returning as she managed to avoid most of the traps, but despite being able to sniff out the traps, didn't grant her the ability to dodge them as she got hit by many bamboo trees/poles/whatever.


Tanjiro had fallen asleep. Keizo had placed a blanket over him as the door began to slide open, and Nezuko entered, her clothing and face covered in dirt and sweat dripping down her face. She could barely stand, leaning heavily against the doorframe and slumping to the ground.

"I.. made it.. back." She said, panting.

Keizo stared at her for a moment before smiling. "Nezuko Kamado, I accept you as my student!

Word Count: 1,275

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