Chapter 13: It Was You

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"You must never tell a soul about me." He had told the demon, holding it by the throat and raising it up into the air. Froth spilled out of its mouth and its whole body trembled, sweat dripping down its blood-covered face. Ubuyashiki placed a finger to his lips, "If you do, I will know immediately. I'm always watching you."

"I can't tell you! I can't tell you!" Yelled the demon, shaking its head over and over again as it trembled. Nezuko could smell fear shaking deep down in its bones. "I can't tell you! I can't tell you! I can't tell you! I CAN'T TELL YOUUUUU!" The demon's arms regenerated but before it could do anything, Nezuko had cut off its head within one clean slash.

Again, I've learned nothing. Nezuko thought, before looking over at Tanjiro, who was sat down against a wall with his eyes closed. Tanjiro! She rushed over to him, crouching down in front of him. He's sleeping. His bleeding has stopped. Asleep to heal himself? Nezuko placed a hand on Tanjiro's cheek and pressed her forehead against his. I'm sorry. So sorry. Just give me a little more time. Because your big sister is going to make you human again.

Nezuko glanced over at Kazumi. He'd set the unconscious girl down and she was now slumped down against the fence. Kazumi was sat next to her, his eyes wide and his face wet with tears as he thought about his late fiancée. Nezuko crouched down in front of him.

"Kazumi.. are you alright?" She asked.

Kazumi remained silent for a moment before saying, "I've lost my betrothed.. do you think I'm alright?"

Nezuko didn't respond for a moment. "Kazumi.. you may lose again and again.. but you still have to keep living. No matter how beaten down you may be." She said.

Kazumi grabbed Nezuko by her haori and shouted, "What do you know?! You're just a kid!!"

Nezuko didn't respond. Instead, she gently grabbed hold of Kazumi's wrist and smiled softly. Kazumi let out a quiet gasp as Nezuko took his hand off of her.

"I'm going now." She said as she took out the demon's coat that contained all of its victim's hairpins, including Satoko's. "Here. I hope you find something of Satoko's in here. To remember her by."

Kazumi looked down at the coat as Nezuko bowed and began to walk off. Kazumi watched as she walked off. Did this happen to you too? Did it?

"I'm sorry for saying such a mean thing! Please, forgive me! I'm sorry!" Kazumi shouted. Nezuko stopped walking and turned to look at him as she then waved. Those hands. Those wretched hands.. thick and hardened from training and combat. They weren't the hands of a girl.

Nezuko then resumed walking, clenching her fists as her crow flew towards her and perched on her shoulder. It isn't just me. How many people has he killed? How many more has he made suffer? Kagaya Ubuyashiki.. I will never forgive you.

Suddenly, her crow started yelling and cawing loudly, "Next you go to Asakusa in Tokyo! Rumours tell of a demon hiding there! KAAAW!"

"Huh? I'm off on my next job already?" Asked Nezuko, looking over at the crow.

"Yes! Go!"

"Wait a second!"


Two Days Later
In Asakusa

Nezuko and Tanjiro were now in Asakusa, Tokyo. The streets were crowded and there were lots of tall buildings, all lit up brightly. There were also banners with Japanese writing on tall poles as well.

What kind of town is this?! It's night, but it's bright out!! The buildings are so tall! What the?! The city.. the city.. Nezuko thought, sweat dripping down her face and her eyes felt like they were about to pop out of its sockets.

Nezuko staggered, holding Tanjiro's hand. She was starting to get dizzy from the amount of people and the brightness of this city.

"Let's go over there, Tanjiro." Said Nezuko, running towards an udon cart.

"Yamakake Udon, please."


Nezuko sat down on a bench in front of the udon cart, letting out a sigh. Tanjiro was sat beside her, basically half-asleep.

I've never been to a place like this. There are too many people. Nezuko thought as she took a sip out of her cup.

Her eyes suddenly widened, and she got up to her feet, breathing heavily as she began to sprint away from the udon cart. That smell!! Why here?! It's the smell that was lingering at my house! Nezuko realised as she pushed aside other people as she ran. Kagaya Ubuyashiki!!

She grasped onto Ubuyashiki's shoulder, and he turned his head to look at Nezuko. His eyes were a deep red, similar to Tanjiro's, and his face pale. His hair was black and shoulder-length and he wore a white fedora with a red ribbon and a somewhat extravagant outfit, consisting of an embroidered black tuxedo and a white tie over a black dress shirt and white dress pants. It's him!!

As Nezuko was about to draw her sword, someone, presumably a young child, said, "Daddy!"

Nezuko's eyes widened seeing a young girl with large purple eyes and white, shoulder-length hair, which was styled into a blunt bob with bangs, wearing a red ribbon on the right side of her head and a dark blue Homōngi kimono decorated with purple flowers being carried by Ubuyashiki.

"Who's that?" The little girl asked Ubuyashiki, staring at Nezuko, who was shivering with her eyes wide and her breathing heavy.

This guy.. it's him!! It's him!! He's pretending to be human!!

"Is there something I can do for you?" Ubuyashiki asked, his tone calm with his eyes looking more humanoid. "You seem to be quite upset."

"Oh, dear.. what's wrong?" Asked a woman with large, lavender eyes and white-coloured right-swept hair in a short ponytail wearing a salmon-coloured kimono with an ombre to orange at the top with flower patterns with a dark-indigo haori with numerous blue butterfly-patterns, also wearing a brown with a paler shade striped-obi with an orange obiage supporting it.

"Mommy!" Exclaimed the little girl, smiling at her mother as she stood next to Kagaya.

They're human! The girl and the woman smell completely human!! Don't they know? Don't they understand? He's a demon.. and he eats people!

"Do you know this girl?" Asked the woman.

"No. Not at all. What a nuisance. I don't know her at all." Replied Ubuyashiki, his tone remaining calm. "Perhaps she has mistaken me for someone else?"

"Oh, really?" Said the woman as Ubuyashiki scratched a man, who was walking by beside a woman, on the back of his neck, blood spurting out of his wound.

"Ugh!" Exclaimed the man, grabbing onto the back of his neck and holding onto one of the woman's shoulders.

"Honey, what's wrong?" The woman asked before the man, possibly her husband, turned into a demon, salivating at the mouth with veins all over the side of his face. "AGH!" She screamed as the man grasped onto her tightly.

"STOP!!" Nezuko yelled, running towards the woman the demon man. The woman let out a shriek as her husband bit into her shoulder.

Word Count: 1,210

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