Chapter 11: Suggestion

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"Only one demon in this world has blood that can turn humans into demons. The one who became the first demon over a thousand years ago. In other words, Nezuko, it is that demon who killed your family. And I think he knows the way to return your brother's humanity. This demon's name is.. Kagaya Ubuyashiki.

Too shallow! Nezuko thought. I missed all the demon's vitals because I switched my form midswing!

The demon went and sunk into its swamp pool, disappearing from sight. Nezuko stood in front of Kazumi as he held the unconscious girl, holding her sword in front of her.

All three smell exactly the same! Usually, demons don't team up, so this must be one demon split into three! Nezuko thought to herself. Fighting three demons while protecting two people.. can't let it get to me!! I need to get them to talk about Kagaya Ubuyashiki and find a way to turn demons back into people!!

"AGH!" The demon with two horns appeared behind Nezuko and Kazumi.

Total Concentration.. Destruction Breathing Second Form Boulder of Destruction!

Too shallow again!! Nezuko thought as she successfully slashed off the demon's arm. The demon slithered away from Nezuko as she attempted to slash it.

Urgh!! I can't follow too far, and still protect these two. I have to lure them back in. Nezuko thought, beginning to grow frustrated.

Suddenly, the demon started yelling angrily, "You ass! Don't interfffeeere! You'll rrruin the girl's fffreshhhnesss! She issss already sssixteen yearsss old! She gets lessss and lessss tasssty with each moment they passsses!"

The demon with one horn on its forehead emerged from the bog beside the other demon and said, "I mussst calm down. Oh, well. Nevermind. There's alwaysss tonight." It placed a finger below its chin. "I've eaten quite a few sssixteen year-old girls in this town. They were all meaty and quite tasssty! Good enough for me."

"Well, not good enough for me!!" Shouted the other demon angrily, clearly the more greedy and angry between the three, "I'm still hungry!!"

"You monster.." Said Kazumi, his expression a mix of horror and shock with beads of sweat dripping down the side of his face, "..Let Satoko go.. you took her two nights ago!"

The demon with three horns emerged out of its bog on top of a building, grinding its teeth.

"Satoko?" Asked the one-horned demon. "Who isss that?" It then opened up its uniform coat to reveal several hairpins. "If her hairpin is among this collection, I've already eaten her."

Kazumi's eyes filled with tears as he saw the dark red ribbon Satoko worn on the back of her long black hair among the demon's collection of its victims' hairpins.

Nezuko's eyes widened and filled with anger, remembering her late family and Tanjiro back when he was human. Suddenly, the three-horned demon extended its arm towards Nezuko, who quickly cut it off and sunk back into its bog.

Missed again! It sinks into the ground so quickly! Nezuko thought as the two-horned demon emerged from the wall. Uh oh! I got too close..

Nezuko quickly flipped over the demon, and the three-horned demon's arm stuck out of swamp while the two-horned one emerged behind her.

Total Concentration Destruction Breathing.

Suddenly, Tanjiro's head poked out and headbutted the demon, making the demon's head spin around on its shoulders until it collapsed on the ground, blood spilling out from its forehead.

Kazumi stared in shock as he held the unconscious girl while the three-horned demon stared, not making any screeching or grinding noises with its teeth

"Why issss a human.. carrying a demon?" Questioned the one-horned demon as Tanjiro stood up out of the box. What'sss going on? Who are thesssse people? The one-horned demon wondered. A ssswordsman and demon travelling together? I don't underssstand.

The one-horned demon, as well as the two-horned demon, which still lay on the ground, both sunk back into its bog. Nezuko watched as Tanjiro walked towards Kazumi and the unconscious girl, placing a hand on Kazumi's cheek and the other on the side of the unconscious girl's head. In his eyes, they were his younger brother and sister; his family.

"Tanjiro.." Nezuko said quietly as Tanjiro turned away from Kazumi and the girl, his expression angry with long, bulging veins on his forehead. She then remembered what Keizo had once told her; "It may only help to console him, but I placed Tanjiro under a suggestion while he was asleep: "All humans are your family. Protect humanity. Demons are your enemy. Never forgive demons for the harm they do."

Word Count: 778

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