Chapter 29: Mount Natagumo

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I wonder if they hate me.. Kanao thought sadly. She hadn't moved from her spot where she was sat on the ground, hugging her knees. Would you really leave your friend by the roadside? Wouldn't you try to convince them if you were really friends?

She imagined them stood either side of her, trying to convince her to go into the mountain, saying her name. If they both tried to talk me into going.. I would've gone, okay? I really would've.

She stopped imagining them. But no, off they went on their merry way up that scary mountain. She stared at the mountain. Poor me, left all alone... 

Kanao's sparrow started to chirp. "Sulking won't do you any good. You have to go help your friends."

Kanao couldn't understand bird language, so she didn't understand what the sparrow just said. She looked down at the bird, a sad expression on her face. "Lucky you. You don't have a care in the world. You don't understand a thing about humans, do you?"

The sparrow seemed offended when she said that and bit her hand. "Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!" Kanao yelped, standing up and pointing at the sparrow. "YOU'RE NOT CUTE AT ALL! I MEAN IT! NOT THAT SIDE OF YOU! SERIOUSLY, YOU'RE TOTALLY DEVOID OF CHARM!"

Kanao continued to yell at the shirty sparrow, tears in the corners of her eyes as the bird perched atop the palm of her hand. "I MEAN, LOOK HOW CUTE TANJIROU-KUN IS! AND HE'S A DEMON! AND THEN YOU'RE A SPARROW, BUT YOU'RE SO VICIOUS!"

Kanao lowered her hand, remembering how Nezuko had a wooden box on her back, which contained Tanjirou, and screeched loudly. "SHE TOOK TANJIROU-KUN WITH HER!"

She then started to sprint towards the mountain, her sparrow flying after her with its small wings. "WHY DID SHE HAVE TO TAKE MY PRECIOUS TANJIROU-KUN WITH HER?! DAMN YOU, NEZUKO! DON'T BRING A YOUNG LAD INTO DANGER! IDIOT! IDOT! IDIOT! IDIOT! IDIOT! IDIOT!"



There was an unusual scuttling sound that echoed throughout the forest and reached Nezuko, the man, and Aoi's ears.

"What's that sound?" Nezuko asked as she knelt on one knee on the ground beside the man, who was also on one knee with a panicked expression on his face, and in front of Aoi, who was stood up.

"There it is again," said the man as the three looked around, his eyes wide as he looked off to the side. "It's that sound again! I heard this sound before, and the next thing I knew, everyone started killing each other!"

Nezuko glanced in the opposite direction the man was looking. "Where is it coming from?" She wondered aloud.

The man averted his gaze to another part of the mountain and let out a gasp. Nezuko turned her head to look the same direction and saw another Demon Slayer traipsing towards them, their head hung low and holding their katana. Their movements were slow and forceful, as if they weren't moving on their own.

More Slayers came into view, all staggering behind the first Demon Slayer they saw with their heads hung low and their swords in each of their hands.

The Slayer in front ran towards the man and attempted to slash him, but he dodged the attack. They then tried to cut him again, to no avail.

One after another, the Demon Slayers swung their swords at the two girls and man but failed to even lay a scratch on them.

Nezuko lept back away from the Slayer who was attacking her, watching as their arms slowly rose to hold onto their katana, their movements were mechanical; almost like a puppet.

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