Chapter 17

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Jesse's POV

It seems that we have a bad luck, because even though we waited a few minutes to make sure that we won't come across this man again.

We still managed to see him on our way back to Parker's parents' house.

And it seems that he already forgot that he lost in a fight with Parker or maybe he just wants to try to beat him again, because he's coming towards us and I'm already tired of him.

Parker and I are in our wolf forms while he's in his human form, so I guess that it will be easy for Parker to win in a fight.

"Shift, or I will make you do that." The man says  and Parker sight, before he shifts to his human form, and he puts his shorts on.

I make sure that the man won't hit him while he's getting dressed, and then I decide to shift, so I will be able to stop Parker from killing this man if I will have to.

"What do you want?" Parker asks, and the man glares at him.

"I just want to make sure that you won't even think about doing anything to my brother." The man tells him, and Parker rolls his eyes.

"If I wanted to do anything to him, then I would have done it by now." Parker tells him, and he starts to walk away, so I follow him.

The man tries to kick me when I pass him, but Parker kicks his leg hardly, and I can hear that the bone snaps, which makes me swear quitely.

I quickly put my hand on Parker's back, and I push him slightly, to make him walk in the direction of the house.

"We have to tell Denver what happened, because I'm sure that he won't be happy with us if he will hear what this man will tell him." I say and Parker nods.

I'm sure that it will be hard to convince Denver that Parker didn't want to hurt this man.

Because Parker doesn't have any bruises or anything, and I'm sure that the bruise that I had after that man hit me is already gone.

But I really hope that Denver will be able to tell that we're telling the truth.

I know that he can use his Alpha voice, to make sure that his pack members are telling the truth when something like this happens.

Although from what I heard from Brody, Denver doesn't like to use it, if he's sure that he's right.

Because it caused pain to the pack members, and he doesn't want to hurt them if he doesn't have to.

When we reach the house, I quickly take my phone, and I call Denver who picks up almost right away.

"I expect you to be in my office in less than half an hour." He tells me, before he hangs up.

"Great." I say, and this makes Parker look at me with a confused expression.

"He didn't pick up?" He guesses  and I shake my head.

"No. He already knows what happened, and he just told me that we have to meet him at the pack house." I say, and he sighs, before he walks towards the front door.

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