Chapter 46

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Parker's POV

I quickly stand up from the couch when I hear that Luca is screaming up the stairs, and I run towards him to see what happened.

Right before I can open the bedroom door, I start to feel the pain too, and I wonder what's going on.

I just hope that the hunters didn't put any prison into our food or something

I doubt that they managed to do that, but I really don't know what else could happen to the both of us at the same time.

I take my phone out, and I quickly text Denver to tell him what's going on, before I open the door, and I walk inside of Luca's bedroom.

He seems to be doing worse than me, but I guess that it's because of the fact that he's an Omega, and I'm not fully one.

"Denver will be here soon." I tell him, before I sit on the bed.

"What's going in?" He asks me, and I shrug.

"I'm not sure, but I assume that someone poisoned our food or something." I tell him.

It doesn't take long for Denver to come here with a few other people, including his mate, the doctor, and a few of my family members.

"Are you alright?" He asks me.

"I'm fine now, but Luca's still in pain." I tell him.

The doctor follows me to the living room, where I carried Luca not long ago, and he quickly checks if he's fine.

Denver forced us to go to the pack hospital, which I do reluctantly, but I do it just because Luca looks scared.

And I know that he will want me to be there, even though he assured me that I don't have to go there.

When we reach the pack hospital, the doctor tries to put us in two separate rooms, but I force him to not do that, and thankfully he doesn't protest a lot.

He takes some of our blood, and he leaves us alone, after telling us that he will be back soon.

"What it we're dying, or something?" Luca asks, me and I shrug.

"Then we're dying." I say, and he hits me on my arm as hardly as he can.

"If we were dying then I doubt that the pain would have faded. It would have most likely gotten worse by now, but the both of us are fine." I say, and he sighs in annoyance.

"Or it faded because we're dying." He says.

I just roll my eyes, and I decide to change the topic of the conversation to something else, so he can calm down a bit.

The doctor comes here about half an hour later, and he's looking at the papers that he's holding.

"Do you think that we have a chance to survive?" I ask him, but he gestured for me to be quiet while he keeps looking the papers.

"Chance at what?" He asks me when he finally looks up, and I roll my eyes at him.

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