Chapter 20

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Jesse's POV

"Does it mean that Parker and I can stay here?" I ask him, and he nods right away.

"Yes. I'm sorry for all of this, and I'm also sorry for what I said about Parker.

I shouldn't have said anything like that, even if Parker actually did what I thought that he did." Denver says.

"What did you say about me?" Parker asks him, and the both of us look at him.

He's standing near the stairs, and he has a confused expression on his face.

"It doesn't matter." I tell him, and he rolls his eyes, before he looks at Denver, expecting him to answer.

"I said a few mean things about you, and I don't really want to repeat them." Denver tells him, with an apologetic expression.

"Whatever." Parker says, before he gestures for Denver to get out of the house.

Denver decides to do that without complaining, and the both of us look at him while he leaves the house.

"What did he say?" Parker asks me a moment after the front door closes.

"I don't want to repeat that." I tell him, and he frowns.

"That bad?" He asks and I nod.

He sighs tiredly, before he looks at the boxes that are standing near the door and he rolls his eyes.

"Thankfully we decided to leave some of our things here." Parker says and I nod.

I take a few of the boxes which have the things that we will need today, and I carry them back to our bedroom, so we won't have to come downstairs a lot of times.

Because I'm sure that neither of us will even try to unpack the boxes anytime soon.

Parker follows me with a fee more boxes, and he quickly tells Lincoln about what's going on, before he joins me on the bed.

I try to find a movie that we could watch, while Parker does something on his phone.

I look at him when I realise that he's calling someone, and he smiles at me slightly.

"Thanks." He says when someone picks up the phone, before he hangs up.

"Did you call the brother of that man who attacked us?" I ask him, and he nods.

"I'm sure that if I wasn't the Alpha's family, then he wouldn't have done anything about it.

But I'm sure that he doesn't want to make me angry, and he most likely was scared to not tell the Alpha something as important as this." Parker says with a shrug.

I decide to not say anything about this, and I make him move closer to me, before I let the movie play on the TV.

We cuddle to each other while we watch it, and it doesn't take long for Parker to fall asleep.

I move him slightly, so the sound of his breathing won't annoy me that much, and then I keep watching the movie.

When it ends, I wake Parker up, and we decide to eat something.

I make a salad for us, and we eat it together, before we go back upstairs, so we can get some rest.

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