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water and fire

COIN WALKS back into the room right after lunch breaks finishes

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COIN WALKS back into the room right after lunch breaks finishes. Her head high as she looks at the two victors with their reddened eyes and the other two victors with sorrowful looks on their faces. Yet, no guilt could be found in her heart or mind as she forces them to tell her what President Snow and the Capitol afflicted on them. No real sorrow could be found in her heart when Finnick shared his past of prostitution, or when Katniss cried in the remains of her home district. No, Alma Coin would take it all the way. She had no time to empathize with shells of human beings, with the victims of the games, Capitol or President Snow. Now that she had come so far, she would stop at nothing, no matter the price the others would have to pay for their, no her victory of the Capitol and President Snow.

"Glad to see we are complete once more," Coin starts coldly, "Miss Mason would you please start with your experience of what you both call the upped torture?"

For a moment it is silent, no one speaks after the question of Coin. Johanna merely stares right in front of her, looking straight through the woman.

"Well... uhm..." She mutters out, not daring to look into Thana eyes. Right now, would be when she would also learn what happened to her, how they treated her. How she lost her hair and almost her will to live. "There came a second room they would transport me to."

"What happened in that room?" Boggs carefully asks, seeing how the hands of the girls tightened around each other while not daring to look at the other.

"They didn't beat me in there," Johanna shakes her head. "It was so much worse, bruises and such things I can take." A single tear escapes her eye as she is back in that stupid white room. "Water," she mumbles, "water and electricity."

Rohan and Haymitch's mouths fall open at the reveal. "Is that how you lost your hair?" The soft voice of Thana breaks all of them out of their thoughts.

Johanna nods her head, "I can't remember why or how exactly, but with the electricity running through the water with my head in it, they removed it."

"What the actual fuck," Haymitch exclaims, not caring for the look Alma Coin gives him, "those little fuckers." First Peeta with changing his mind, and now Johanna and they don't even know what Thana went through in there. "I am not excusing myself for these words."

"It is a valid reaction," Plutarch smiles shorty at the man, "can you maybe tell us some more details about it. Who were there with you, intervals between them?"

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