Bye Bye Camp -8

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I didn't sleep that night I stayed in the same position that I am now , the hours flew by as I just sat ,watched ,listened and cried

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I didn't sleep that night I stayed in the same position that I am now , the hours flew by as I just sat ,watched ,listened and cried. I had a lot of time to think , Why did Tommy just stand and watch as I was about to be eaten . I went out of my way to save him and in return he just stood and watched as I called for help , he didn't even try. There must be some explanation he wouldn't just let me die on purpose . He cares about me and loves me , right?

The whole group is standing by the graves that Jim dug yesterday, it seems they really were for a reason. I watch as Andrea drags Amy into her grave , I feel as though I should be crying but the tears won't come anymore . Is it possible to use them up ? I'm not sure how much I cried that night but my face was still stained with the tears and it will be that way for a long time. Aims hair sticks out of the blanket she has been wrapped in , I stare at the bloodied red strands harshly contrasting against her blonde hair. She didn't deserve this  . No one did but that's the reality of this now even crueler world. I feel my Dad's arms wrap around me as he pulls me into a hug my gaze ripping from Aims. " I'm so sorry Ells" he whispers comfortingly in my ear. I just hug him tighter. I open my eyes and make eye contact with Tommy over my dads shoulder , he gives me a pleading look but I ignore it .

As we are walking back to camp Carl speaks up " Are we safe now Dad, now that we're together ?" He asks , my dad sighs as I feel my moms grip harden on my shoulder. Dad gets down to Carls eye level and grabs our hands " I promise I will not leave you two again for anything". I can't stop myself from getting angry at the statement " You said that last time dad" , his soft gaze turns to me "I know and I'm sorry Ells but I hope you can find it in you to believe me on this one ok ?" I just nod , I know he only wants what's best for us so it's hard to be mad at him.


Half the camp is dead , Jim is bit and We are leaving to go to the CDC .We're all standing by the vehicles ready to leave as Shane runs us through the "plan" as such. "All right everybody listen up , those of you with CB's we're gonna be on channel 40. Let's keep the chatter down , okay ? Now you got a problem , don't have a CB, can't get a signal or anything at all , you gonna hit your horn one time. That'll stop the caravan, Any questions?

Morales hesitantly walks forward "we're ugh , we're not going" I look round at everyones dumbfounded expression before his wife adds on " we have family in Birmingham , we want to be with our people". My Dad and Shane try convince them over-wise but they are pretty set in their decision so they give them a gun for protection and we all say our goodbyes. I'll miss them they are a loving family and brought joy to the camp , I hope they make it to Birmingham and see their loved ones. I see Sophia get upset as she says goodbye to the morales kids , I give her hug as I know the feeling of losing a friend. She smiles up at me before going to her mom , Carol gives me a smile and mouths thank you as she holds her crying daughter tight in her arms.

I strategically avoided getting in the same vehicle as Tom I'm not ready to face him yet , he lets out a huff as he throws me an annoyed look through the car window , I just avoid eye contact. All the engines starts as I watch through the window the camp getting smaller and smaller . I will miss the quarry just days ago I was skipping rocks and laughing with Aims I was finally feeling normal again but now I know that was just a false portrayal of happiness and I won't fall for it again.


We all had to stop because there was a problem with the caravan something to do with hose and duct tape , I don't know I wasn't really paying attention. I was too busy listening to Jim's agonising cries of pain , I hate to be pessimistic but I don't think he is going to make it to the CDC , it seems Jacqui agrees as she announces to the group that he can't take anymore.

Jim decided he wanted to be left here and we respected his decision , Dad and uncle Shane carry him to a tree as we all prepare to say goodbye. Carl turns to look up at me " will you come with me El I want to say bye" , " yeah sure , Carl" I say tousling his hair. We walk up to Jim and bend down , he gives us a tired smile " Hey kids , your our future ok ? You have h-have gotta look after each other, you promise me ?" He says to us stumbling on his words . I nod grabbing his hand " We will , rest easy Jim" I say with a solemn smile , Carl mutters a shy bye before we rejoin the group . As I'm guiding Carl back to our car I see Tommy out the corner of my eye "Hey Ba-"  , I cut him off instantly " No Tom I don't want to speak to you right now" I say sternly getting in the car, Carl sends me a proud smile .


We finally arrive at our destination I am roughly woke up by a knock at the car window I'm leaning on . I open my eyes seeing Glen pulling a stupid face on the other side , I let out a laugh at his antics as he opens the door pulling me out. He throws his arm round me " come on sleepy head, we ain't got all day" he says teasingly. " oh shut it Pizza boy" I say back laughing , I can always count on Glen to make me smile even after being in such a state of sadness.

Our smiles however don't last long as the grotesque but unfortunately familiar stench of decaying bodies overwhelms our senses. Swarms of flys crowd round us , I try swat them away but it's no use . I look ahead and all I see is a graveyard expect the bodies aren't neatly buried with headstones naming the deceased but rather sprawled corpses left to be eaten and discarded as they are scattered in the last place they took their final breath as either human or walker (which we now call them) . The pattern of bodies paints an awful picture of the destruction that happened here . This does not look promising for us.

We all make our way through the maze of dead as quietly and swiftly as possible. However we can't help the few coughs as our lungs try cope with this infected air. Once we reach the entrance we find the doors locked , great this is just great . "There's nobody here" T-dog says but my dad isn't giving in " Then why are the shutters down" he argues.

"WALKERS!" Daryl shouts , the group turns into chaos as guns are loaded , weapons are raised and children are clutched tighter. I hold my knife ready as my other hand is clutching onto Carl. Daryl shoots one in the eye with his crossbow before he shouts again " You've lead us into a graveyard!" He's not wrong but his shouting isn't helping. Shane immediately buts in defending dad. We all make the rushed decision to get out of here but my Dad hasn't moved now he is staring at a camera " Dad?" I question. "The camera it moved" he says , a glimmer of hope starts up in me " Are you sure ?", "it moved" he says again.

He walks up to the camera , pounding on the doors " I know your in there , I know you can hear me," I decided to join in , if my dad truly believes there is someone in there I do too " Please we are desperate, Help us we are children , people just like you. We have no food and hardly any gas." Tommy comes over to me "Elodie that's enough" I breathe in again ignoring him before continuing " If you don't let us in , Your killing us!" I scream in desperation at the camera , my voice cracking from emotion. We need this. My dad speaks again " Please , if not for us for the children , Don't let us die !"  Uncle Shane and mom are dragging Dad away and Tommy grabs my waist pulling me into him .

The sound of the shutters opening causes us all to freeze , a bright white light shines over us like the doors of heaven , we have been given a chance.

𝒫𝒾𝒸𝓉𝓊𝓇𝑒 𝒫𝑒𝓇𝒻𝑒𝒸𝓉                                               ~THE WALKING DEAD~Where stories live. Discover now