Vexation -24

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I hardly slept last night , I kept tossing and turning

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I hardly slept last night , I kept tossing and turning. My brain was engulfed with too many thoughts , ones about My mom , dad , Shane and Beth but mainly the conversations with Greene. What confused me is the way my heart leapt out my chest at the soft touch of his fingers against my face but my mixed emotions led me to frustration . He made a promise he cannot keep no one is safe in this world and his words were simply lies crafted from sympathy.

It's the next morning my dad and Shane came back still with Randall and with new bruises and cuts adoring their faces. It does not take a genius to see they fought and especially when you know what I know, my anger towards Shane grows with every new thing he does.

We gather outside our tents looking to dad and Shane for answers, " So what are you gonna do?" My mom asks , I have been avoiding her as I know me forgiving her is inevitable but I would like to prolong it as much as I can. " Is there a plan?" Andrea says and Glenn joins " We gonna keep him here ?"

All my dad responds with is " We'll know soon enough" he gestures to the upcoming presence , it's Daryl apparently he has been trying to get answers out of our prisoner

" boy says they got a gang of 30 men, they have heavy artillery and they ain't looking to make friends. If they roll through here our boys are dead and our women they gonna wish they were." My body tensed at the last part , my mind immediately thinks back to Tony but Glenn's comforting hand round my shoulder soothed me.

"What did you do ?" Carol asks him and now I take notice of his bloody knuckles "had a little chat" Daryl replies numbly and I nearly let out a laugh at the blatant lie. " Nobody goes near this guy" my dad orders everyone. I walk over to him wanting a definite answer " What are you gonna do ?" He looks down at me as he hesitates but I give him a reassuring look.

" We have no choice , he is a threat. We have to eliminate the threat" he says and I nod agreeing but Dale interrupts " so you just going to kill him ?"  My dad ignores him before speaking to the whole group " It's settled , I'll do it today" before walking away.


I sit folding the laundry currently ignoring my mom , the awkward silence is broken " Elodie can you please go find your brother for me" she says and I sigh " can't you do it yourself" I reply in spite she rolls her eyes " Please I'm worried about him" i nod giving in , only because it's Carl.

I look around and can't find him anywhere and I begin to worry , he's not in the house or the tents or by any of the animals. I do remember him being curious about Randall but surely he wouldn't be that stupid. I quickly run to the shed where he is being held and enter through the back way avoiding Shane.

I hear his voice " The sheriff guy your dad ? I like him , yeah he's a good guy . I can tell " I swiftly turn the corner to see Carl Standing in front of Randall. " Carl what do you think your doing !" I shout grabbing his arm , his surprised face meets mine before he sighs in defeat.

𝒫𝒾𝒸𝓉𝓊𝓇𝑒 𝒫𝑒𝓇𝒻𝑒𝒸𝓉                                               ~THE WALKING DEAD~Where stories live. Discover now