Little Blue Sneakers - 19

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It was another morning at the Greene's farm but today you could still feel the awkwardness lingering in the air like a bad smell

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It was another morning at the Greene's farm but today you could still feel the awkwardness lingering in the air like a bad smell. I wished everyone would just forget about yesterday but I knew that wouldn't happen , the camps looks of pity piercing into my soul is a reminder of that . Tommy, well he hasn't been around it's only breakfast but I haven't seen him,  I think he's hiding in his tent but I hope he stays there , I can't face him again.

The smell of scrambled eggs reaches my nose as I see Carol passing them out , it's so nice to have food that isn't stale or canned. This farm has everything and it's really starting to become our new home , I just hope we find Sophia so she can enjoy it too. I have to believe she is still alive over wise the whole idea is too depressing, I miss her smiles and laughter through camp and I can tell Carl does too. Them two we're really close and it saddens me that if we don't find her Carl is going to lose a friend like I lost Amy.

As Carol puts the eggs on my plate I immediately dig in , me and Beth helped collect these today from the chicken coop it was a load of fun expect from when the chicken kept pecking at my bare ankles like a rapid animal. It hurt like a bitch and all Beth did was laugh and cheer on the chicken.

I am distracted from my thoughts when I see Glenn getting up and standing in front of the group. He looked nervous and definitely hesitant, he has been acting shifty for a while so maybe now he will finally tell us what's going on. "Um guys..... there's walkers in the barn" he spills out quickly, the sounds of movement , people eating and cutlery scraping suddenly cease.


The group surrounds the front of the barn as Shane is inspecting it closer . I look over in concern as I imagine a Walker just popping out and dragging Uncle Shane inside like a horror movie jump scare but luckily that doesn't happen.

As Shane storms over he speaks to my dad "You can't tell me your alright with this?" . "No, I'm not but we're guests here, this isn't our land" my dad replies. I don't understand why they are keeping Walkers in the barn anyway i mean people have weird collections but flesh eating monsters that's a whole new level of crazy.

" Oh God , this is our lives man !" Shane shouts as he wipes the sweat of his bald head. "Lower your voice" Glenn tells him with distain. Before Andrea speaks up " We can't just sweep this under the rug" She's right it's not safe to be sleeping right next to a cage full
of walkers.

Uncle Shane starts pacing and I follow him with my eyes " We either gotta go in there and make things right, or we just got to go. Now we have been talking about Fort Benning for a long time." My dad cuts him off  "We can't go" , " Why Rick ? why?" Shane replies with twice the amount of attitude.

"Because my daughter is still out there." Carols says and I nod at her and she smiles back. Uncle Shane then scoffs and my smile instantly drops "Okay I think it's time that we all start to just consider the other possibility..." I cut him off " We're not leaving Sophia behind" my tone of voice sharp and determined as I stare him in the eye.

𝒫𝒾𝒸𝓉𝓊𝓇𝑒 𝒫𝑒𝓇𝒻𝑒𝒸𝓉                                               ~THE WALKING DEAD~Where stories live. Discover now