Birthday Wishes-30

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 3 months later

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3 months later ...

We have been on the road for around three months if my counting is right , it's been hard as we are getting into the thick of winter . The bitterness of the frost coating everything , a beautiful site but it's deadly. However that is the least of our problems, the herd is still out there and has split into multiple groups hunting us down as we try narrowly avoid them.

It's been working so far but soon we won't have anywhere else to go , most days we go without a proper meal if we're lucky we will find some cans in the houses and Daryl will get a catch here and there. Me and him have got closer now actually, back at Atlanta I used to find him really scary but now I see he has a soft side. I like talking with him as he's not afraid to talk about the harsh subjects and say it how it is while everyone else never speaks about the farm ever.

He has taught me how to use the crossbow and I'm pretty decent if only the animals were actual around to catch but it's not the season according to Daryl and we hardly have time when always running from Walkers. I have never been more grateful that I was trained on track , it's come in very handy in this post apocalyptic world.

Me and my mom are on better terms she is in her second trimester now and I am predicting it's a girl or well I really hope it's one , don't get me wrong I love Carl but I would adore a little sister. I try think about the positives to keep me going but I hardly sleep my dreams plagued with Tommy and most the people we have lost.

The group's dynamic has definitely changed since that night , everyone follows my dads orders now without questioning it and we work pretty well as a team , scavenging, killing and just surviving.

My birthday came and went but I love that everyone made an effort, it was the best day I have had since the outbreak.


We finally found a house we can stay in for a couple nights , It was really nice to wake up on my birthday in a warm ish bed. I wish Dale was here so I could thank him for his calendar but I just hope he is doing better wherever he is now.

I walk Downstairs as I see the sun sending an orange light over the frosted grass outside , I instinctively wrap my blanket around me tighter as I reach the main room. Suddenly I am picked up in the air and I hear shouts " Surprise! Happy birthday!" , Glenn is spinning me around then he brings me into a hug , the shock wears off and I hug him back, " Happy birthday Els , your officially an Adult!" He says as he ruffles my hair and I laugh a huge smile gracing my face.

I looks around the room at everyone " You guys ! I can't believe this !" I say excitedly as I see balloons and what looks like
Presents wrapped in plastic and cereal boxes.
My dad come forward " Well we knew it was coming up and manage to collect stuff on the way" he says and my smile grows as I run and hug him , I feel my brother and mom join too.
I eventually let ago and they all usher me to the pile of gifts " Thank you guys so much , you really didn't have to do all this " I say thankfully.

" Nonsense, I think we could all use a joyful occasion" Carol says as she rubs my shoulder and I smile nodding in agreement. Carl is the first to give me his present and it is a brand new looking pair of Nike trainers in my size , i thank him and give him a huge hug . Next is mom and dad , mom gave me some perfume she found , it smelt great and dad got me a new holster for my gun as my other one broke. I thank them both and go on receiving, Beth , Carol , Hershel and Maggie got me clothing , T-dog got me a pair of new knifes Then it was Glenn's turn.

He digs behind the sofa before he pulls out a bottle of Smirnoffs Vodka and everyone laughs " What she is 18 ! That the legal drinking age in England" he justifies it my mom just shakes her head as my dad takes the bottle " Oh come on Dad , we will only have like one shot later" I say trying to convince him. "I think that would be your limit" Glenn teases " oh you can't talk , do you want me to mention CDC and the bottles of Wine" I taunt back and he shuts up as T-dog laughs in his face " She got you with that one , dude" he says, as Glenn rolls his eyes.

Then it's Daryl's turn he pulls out a coco pops cereal box and passes it to me , I quickly open it my impatience kicking in. It's a bottle of rum , the whole group burst out laughing " Hey at least I wrapped mine" he grumbles and I hug him " Thanks grumpy" I say and he scoffs " Ok that's enough, pipsqueak" he says pulling away from the physical contact, I just smile trying not to laugh.

Finally it's Greene, since we got really close that night we haven't talked that much .It's not that we're avoiding each other but I don't know he is still as confusing as ever . I still wear his leather jacket and it's been keeping warm through the winter so I haven't complained and he insisted I keep it.

He hands me my present it's wrapped in what looks like pages of a notebook, our hands touch for a fleeting moment before I pull away opening the gift. It's a graphic shirt with The Smiths on it , I smile picking it up " I remembered you said you liked them so..." he says " And I remember you were surprised by that" I tease and he laughs "Well I guess I got you wrong" he replies with depth that for some reason hits me hard , our eyes lock on each other and I can't find it in myself to look away.

I'm really surprised he remembered, I break the silence in the room when I see Glenn smirking at me then making a heart with his hands . How old is he ?! " umm ... Thank you Greene , it's perfect." I say genially and he smiles " Your welcome, Grimes".

I hear my mom come back in the room as everyone starts singing happy birthday, I hated this bit of a birthday it was so awkward but in this moment I was anything but. She brings over a plate with a stack of cookies and cream pop tarts and a singular candle sticking out the top. " Make your wish , Sweetie" she says and I close my eyes before blowing out the candle and everyone cheers.

" Right shots anyone !?" Glenn cheers holding up the vodka as he and Daryl go to get some glasses , I hear my dad groan in annoyance. The smile on my face still ever present, maybe all hope isn't lost . Times like these make me think the world still has potential to be good again.

My wish was that we will find a forever home and we will all live and be safe . I know it may be a stretch but there's no harm in trying I guess.

Hey guys I know sorry it's been ages 😭 , hope your enjoying this little chapter I wanted to do a chill catch up one before all the drama starts in s3. I am going on holiday on Saturday but I am planning on writing chapters in advanced to post when I am there.

ALSO THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 10k reads I appreciate the support so much and please comment so I can see your opinions !

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