Hesitation - 27

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Trigger warning: attempted r*pe and violence

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Trigger warning: attempted r*pe and violence

It's around six pm in the evening and I decide to take advance of the Greene's hot shower , Beth said I can use her products so I grab my towel and head into the connected bathroom. However the towel nearly slips from my grasp as I gasp in shock at Greene , he is standing by the sink completely naked apart from the towel wrapped around his waist. My eyes dart to his muscular build , his defined abs and toned chest .

No no , I quickly advert my gaze to meet his eyes . I capture his smirk and my face falls in annoyance , I turn around to respect his privacy. " Sorry I didn't realise you were in here" I say as I mentally curse when my voice wavers , he laughs " Well it is also my bathroom Grimes." He says the usual arrogance present in his tone , I roll my eyes . " Right , well I was just going to take a shower" I state , " You can turn around , you seemed to be enjoying the view a second ago" he flirts cockily.

I scoff  " I'd prefer if you would just leave, Greene ." I say still facing away from him , I can picture him smirk as I hear him walk closer , till I feel him right behind me. " Why am I too distracting Grimes . And the word your looking for is ... please" his breath fans across my bear neck and I feel a shiver travel down my spine.

I sigh as I turn to face him my stare locks on his , our two shades of brown interlock. " Greene, since you are obviously finished showering , could you be nice , Although I know that is hard for.." he cuts me off his finger an inch away from my lips as he sends me a warning glare and I send one right back . I shove his hand away from me before continuing " So could you leave .... Please"
I mumble the last part.

He shakes his head " I didn't quite catch that" he teases looking down at me " Please" I repeat unable to hide the frustration in my tone . He nods backing away from me and I feel my chest exhale , " Goodnight Grimes" he says walking to his room but I just glare at his retreating figure.


Aaron's pov :

I couldn't sleep last night so I now sit on the porch with my guitar strumming a calming melody as I hum along , my peace is disturbed as I hear footsteps then see Grimes step out onto the porch. She doesn't look like she got much sleep either , the bags under her eyes and her ruffled hair is a dead give away.

She doesn't say anything but just sits beside me on the steps , I continue playing but I can't help myself but analyse her. She looks sad , lost but mostly numb, she stares out into the farm as the rising sun casts a warm amber light over us both. I look closer at her bare features , the sprinkle of freckles across her cheeks and nose , the way her brown eyes turn into a golden hazel in the direct sunlight and her hair pulled messily into a bun but with a few strands framing her soft features. 

I was so focused on her my fingers stopped strumming against the strings and she turns to me fully , I see now that she has been crying , dried tears in the corner of her eyes but I don't mention it. " Keep playing, your actually really good" she says sincerely and I smile " Wow a complement Grimes , am I dreaming" I say and I see her start to smile before her face falls again.

𝒫𝒾𝒸𝓉𝓊𝓇𝑒 𝒫𝑒𝓇𝒻𝑒𝒸𝓉                                               ~THE WALKING DEAD~Where stories live. Discover now