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'I belonged to him?' You thought confused by his statement.

Later that day, Suma and Hinatsuru came to hang out with you in your bedroom.

You were very quiet but Suma kept going on and on about some great tempura she had eaten the other day.

"Y/n-san you should have tasted it," Suma's mouth was practically watering "It was so salty and so sweet at the same time."

Suma held her face with both of her hands squealing.

Hinatsuru smiled softly then turned to me, "Lord Tengen, Makio, Suma and I are going to visit his brother's graves today."

Graves? The smile on your face vanished.

"Yes, Lord Tengen and his brother are the only sons remaining in his family," Hinatsuru said giving a small smile "Be safe when we're out, demons lurk around these places you know."

'Demons?' You thought confused.

You chuckled a bit, "Aren't demons just myths?"

Suma shook her head, "No Y/n, they're evil creatures and they eat humans," Suddenly Suma hugged you bawling "I don't want an evil demon to eat you."

"Ah, okay." You sighed not quite believing the whole demon story, they seemed quite caught up on folktales if they asked you.


Lord Tengen and his wives had gone out and it had been hours.

It was dark now.

You removed the decorations from your hair and put it in your jewellery box.

You let your packed hair down flowing past your back. You changed into your yukata and went to sleep.


Lord Tengen walked with his wives back home listening to Suma ramble on and on about tempura.

Suddenly Tengen felt a presence and jolted.

"What's wrong Lord Tengen?" Makio asked.

"We have to go home now," Lord Tengen said "There's a demon there."

They all gasped.


You slept peacefully for a while but couldn't shake off the feeling of being watched.

When you opened your eyes, floating above you was a strange creature wearing a kimono and obi staring into your soul with big red eyes.

"Glad you finally woke up," The creature stated "I'd hate to eat a sleeping meal."

'Eat? Was this the demon Hinatsuru had warned about?' You thought your heart pounding.

Before the demon could grab you, you rolled to the side getting up and running to the door.

The demon got on its feet, grabbed you by the hair and threw you across the room causing, you to crashed into a shelf, knocking all its contents to the floor.

You groaned in pain looking at you side, there was a knife used for cutting fruit beside you.

You hurriedly picked it up, as soon as you did the demon grabbed you by the face lifting you up.

"Aren't you just a pretty little thing," The demon laughed "I almost don't wanna kill yo--"

Before she could finish you stabbed her in the eye causing her to scream.

She threw across the room again, this time you hit the wall hard.

Your body felt paralysed, your hand shakily reached for your bleeding nose.

You winced when you felt it, it hurt.

The demon regenerated it's eye in an instant and approached you angrily.

"Think you're a clever little girl don't ya? As a reward I'll eat your guts while you're still ali-- hmm?" The demon stated as her head fell.

You turned to Lord Tengen who had appeared out of nowhere.

"You think you can kill one of the God of flamboyance wives," Lord Tengen scoffed in arrogance "You fool."

The demon's head was burning and so was her body.

"What! How did I lose! What are--" before the demon could finish, she had completely burned up turning into nothing.

You tried getting up but your body gave up on you.

Lord Tengen took notice and came to your side carrying you bridal style.

Just then Makio, Suma and Hinatsuru ran into the room.

There was a period of silence but Suma broke it by letting out a loud cry.

"Wahh y/n your nose is bleeding and you're horribly hurt," She ran to you and held your yukata "This is my fault i should have given you some wisteria flowers. You would have been safe then."

Suddenly your eyes welled up and you burst out into tears, the whole situation has taken a toll on you.

Lord Tengen looked at you surprised at your sudden outburst. He didn't know what to do.

You kept crying your eyes shut.

Suddenly there was a contact on your face, you slowly opened your eyes and saw Tengen wiping your tears with his hand with a smile.

"Y/n, crying is not flamboyant. You might be weak now but I promise you in the nearest future you'll be a lot stronger."

'D..did he think you were crying because you couldn't fight?' you thought 'Was he that dence?'

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