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"So what does it say?" Tsuki asked excitedly and Aoki nodded.

"He's back, he's back from his duties and he wants me to come back home." You replied happily.

"Yay!" Tsuki hugged you and so did Aoki, they weren't sad. They were happy for you.

Rin chan organised a train trip for you and before you left she gave you something.

She put a broach in your hands.

"What's this?" You asked looking at the golden butterfly broach.

"Your mother gave me this when I was younger," Rin replied "I really wanted to give you something of value so.. I just hope you like it."

"I love it," You hugged her "Thank you okaasan."

Rin looked around it seemed that the train would soon be leaving.

You pulled away and bowed your head, "I should take my leave now." You smiled.

Rin nodded.

You entered the train sitting by a window seat so you could see Rin as you left.

She watched you and you watched her, tears were building up in both your eyes.

As the train started moving, you mother these words to her, "Bye Okaasan, I love you."


Upon getting off the train having nothing but a broach in your hands, you decided to walk home.

As you got closer to the house, you saw a familiar face.. Suma?

Suma cried when she saw you and ran up to you, "Y/n-san!" She cried and hugged you "I was beginning to think... I was beginning to think that you would never come back home."


"Quickly come! You have to see Tengen!"



As you two entered the compound you caught a glimpse of Tengen, why was he sitting on the roof? Wait a minute....

You screamed.

Tengen looked down at you, shocked to see you had returned.

He jumped down and you ran up to him, holding up his left arm.

"Tengen-sama what happened to your left hand!" You looked at the eye patch on his left eye "And your left too?"

"It was from the fight in the entertainment district," Tengen replied calmly holding your left hand with his right. "It's no big deal--"

"No big deal?" You asked softly "Did you at least kill the demon that did this to you."



Tengen covered his ears, you were so loud.

Just then Hinatsuru and Makio came out as well, Makio was surprised that you were actually back while Hinatsuru looked indifferent.

"Calm down, three young demon slayers killed them." Tengen replied.


"Yes there was two of them," Tengen replied "Why don't I tell you the story later."

"So how are you going to continue being a demon slayer now?"

"I won't," Tengen replied which shocked you "I retired."

"What?" You asked confused.

Tengen held your face lovingly, "Being a demon slayer at the moment Is too dangerous, I want to be with my family. I want to be by your side."

You face flushed red and you turned away hiding your blush.

"But what if they need you?" You asked still looking away.

Tengen held your shoulder and made you face him, "They won't need me, those three demon slayers I told you about have it covered."

"Seriously? I would like to meet them one day then."

"Y/n-chan," Makio called, you hadn't noticed her or Hinatsuru's presence.


Before you could react, Makio ran up and hugged you.

"What's this for?"

"Shut up I'm not the touchy feely type!" She said and you flinched, "But as much as I hate to admit it, I'm glad that you're back."

Suma joined in the hug too causing you three to lose your balance and fall to the ground.

Tengen laughed before noticing Hinatsuru's presence, she was so quiet and didn't look too happy.


Later that day, Suma tied your hair beautifully decorating it with beautiful ornaments.

"Y/n What's this?" Makio asked holding your broach in her hands.

"Oh that my aunt gave it to me."

"It's so pretty." Suma said.

Makio came up to you and attached the broach on your kimono where your chest was.

"Now you look perfect for your consummation night with Tengen-sama." Makio said making you get up.

"Now that I hear it out loud I don't want--"

"Don't talk nonsense Y/n!"

"But I don't think-- don't push me!" You yelled.


A year later, you gave birth to a beautiful baby girl who you named after your aunt Rin, which practically meant royalty.

Author's note: yay! Happy ending for all except Hinatsuru, I don't know why I just dislike her, Suma's my favourite though. I hope you guys had a nice read, I might a QnA if I get more views and all. I'm just so glad to have finished, I hope you like the end. Bye my lovelies.

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