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'It was just an attraction huh? What did he even mean by that?' You thought.

Looking at him smile at you made you feel warm inside for unknown reasons.


That night as you slept, Hinatsuru spoke to Tengen in his room.

Tengen held Hinatsuru close to him, playing with her long hair with his fingers.

"Lord Tengen permit me to ask a question?"

Tengen gave her an approving hum and she spoke, "It's about Y/n-San, now that she's free from slavery. Don't you think she'd want to be reunited with her family?"

Tengen felt a little bit annoyed as he let go of Hinatsuru's hair.


"Yes my Lord." Hinatsuru looked up to him only to meet a displeased expression formed on his face.

"Do you think my sense of judgement is wrong?"

Hinatsuru panicked a little facing him properly, "It's not like that my--"

"Hinatsuru," Tengen cut her off "If Y/n was interested on meeting her family she would have told me herself."

Hinatsuru could see anger in Tengen's eyes, even though he tried to hide it. She knew that you were going to be a problem.

The way he carried you so lovingly when you were attacked, Hinatsuru had never seen him treat any of the other wives not even her so affectionately.

Hinatsuru didn't understand, you were just a useless, weak, measly girl. You weren't even that pretty.

But Tengen deciding to train you, taking you to see the fireworks and personally hanging out with you. Hinatsuru knew you weren't just any other girl or wife, you were someone special to him. Even though he didn't realize it.

"Of course Lord Tengen," Hinatsuru smiled "I just felt awful seeing her so alone, I was just trying to help out."

Tengen looked at her blankly before holding her to his side again, "Focus on yourself for now, would you? Y/n-San is none of your concern."


You found yourself falling into a dark void again and landing in a pile of snow.

You looked at your side, this time there was a little girl beside you, you couldn't see her face it seemed to be covered with a bright light. But her kimono.. It was bloodied, it didn't look like she'd been injured, more like someone's blood had splashed on it.

You sat up and at that moment you realized who that someone was, you reached for your abdomen with your right hand and it was completely covered in crimson wetness, blood?

There was a big slash across it, like you'd been attacked. You looked up at the cliff, you two must have fallen from there.

You had no idea who this girl was and why she had no face, but she felt oddly important to you. Something didn't sit well with you.

Just as you reached out to touch her you could suddenly here your name being called.

"Y/n, Y/n.. Y/n!!"

You woke up in a jolt feeling a bit panicked.

Makio and Suma were beside you, it was clear who yelled your name.

"Y/n-Chan were you having a nightmare?" Suma asked very abruptly.


"You looked very uncomfortable sleeping, you kept squinting your eyes." Makio replied.

"Oh," You said simply "It's nothing."

"But then, why are your eyes leaking?" Suma asked.

You felt your cheeks, and you were indeed crying. But why?


Just then Tengen barged in dressed in his demon slayer corps uniform.

His hair was styled differently and he had dual Nichirin Cleavers on his back.

Was he going on another mission, you got up from bed rather quickly and stood on your feet.

A flashy looking crow landed on his shoulder.

You backed up feeling scared a little, crows were dangerous after all.


"I'm going on a mission and I'm going to need female assistance." Lord Tengen spoke.

Author note: I had no idea where this chapter was going, I really can't wait for y/n to regain her memory, the story will become much more fun and interesting, no spoilers yet.

Love all my readers, thank you for 90 views, I'm so glad.

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