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Your aunt Rin was a rich woman, she was always your favourite. Maybe because you were more like her, she was strong, brave and independent.

She didn't need a man to be successful and preferred family to business.

You were glad she was the one to take care of your siblings, the rest of your family were selfish and would definitely maltreat your siblings.

You'd been travelling for almost a whole day, you even had enough time to fall asleep and wake up again.

You were drifting asleep again when Tengen came to a sudden halt.

Your eyes flew open, you were here, Tokyo looked amazing. People were still buzzing in the night, laughing and buying things.

You got off Tengen's back looking at the address again, you didn't know much about Tokyo or how to get to this location.

"Can I see the address?" Lord Tengen asked, you handed it to him and he looked at it "This is in the richer part of Tokyo. Get back on my back, we'll get there in no time."

You got back on Lord Tengen's back and he jumped so high landing on the roof of a building then dashed in sonic speed.

He was way faster this time, you couldn't even open his eyes.

After a while Lord Tengen jumped off a building coming to a halt.

You opened your eyes, you seemed to be in a huge fenced compound, did Tengen really jump over it.

You got off Tengen's back, looking around. "Is this the--"


That voice, you turned and standing in front of the mansion's main entrance was your brother Aoki.


The small boy ran up to you and had you on full embrace, knocking you to the ground.

"Y/n-Chan, I can't believe.. You are really alive!" The boy cried.

Wandering what all the ruckus was about, a familiar woman stepped out.
It was your aunt Rin, the tray of tea she was holding now dropped.


When Rin had heard the horrible news about you and your family, she hurried over.

Your brother, Aoki had luckily survived with a broken leg and a dislocated shoulder. Your parents weren't so lucky, your mother had a pulse for a few days before she took her last breaths. Your father was already cold when help came.

It was assumed that a wild animal had attacked your home, but Rin knew that wasn't the case.

She couldn't even get full information of what had happened that night. Aoki could barely remember a thing, he hated himself for that. And Tsuki, she just stopped talking all together when they couldn't find you.

None of your relatives wanted to help so, Rin took it upon herself to take in Tsuki and Aoki and raise them like they were one of her own.

Your parents were buried in the temple of their wedding and now serves as a monument, it was dedicated specifically for them as a remembrance by the people of the village.

Poor Aoki, poor Tsuki.

You found yourself and Tengen sitting facing Rin in her office or something, whatever it was they were a lot of books on shelves and important looking documents on her table.

You had told your aunt everything, from losing your memory to being held as a slave, then becoming Tengen's property.. er wife. And the most important part the existence of demons.

Rin held both of Tengen's hands and smiled, "Thank you so much for protecting her," Rin lowered her head bowing slightly "I have no idea how to repay you."

"It's nothing okaasan. After all, Y/n-San is my wife, and as her husband it's my duty to protect her." Lord Tengen said confidently.

You looked at Lord Tengen in confusion, "Okaasan?" You asked him.

Lord Tengen nodded and said, "From now on I'll refer to your aunt Rin as okaasan. Y/n-San, call her that too, she may not have birthed you but she surely loves and cares for you. Love and care is what makes a mother not blood."

Rin looked at Tengen shocked, slowly removed her hands from Tengen's.

Her eyes welled up in tears. You quickly caught sight of this.

"Aunt Rin." You went to her side and hugged her.

Rin covered her face with her hands to hide her tears as she cried and you comforted her.

"What a flamboyant family you have Y/n-San." Lord Tengen said with a smile.

Once your aunt had calmed down, you continued talking.

She informed you about, Tsuki and you immediately asked to see her.

Suddenly someone barged into the rooms with servants running after them.

Tsuki? Was that really her? She had gotten so big now but you could remember those brown eyes anywhere.

When she saw you her eyes widened.

You got up abruptly, "Tsuki?"

She started crying feeling overwhelmed with mixed emotions, sadness, happiness and regret. 'She should have never left you'

Seeing this, you went and hugged her as she cried profusely.

She gripped onto the neck of your kimono, "Y..Y/n-Chan," She breathed heavily "I'm so sorry."

She apologized, 'No she shouldn't be sorry,' You thought as your eyes welled up in tears 'It was my fault for forgetting everything.' You wanted to say, but you just cried instead.

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