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'My mission just had to be in Tokyo, damn my life' Tengen thought as he strode through the city searching for clues.

This demon was said to go mostly after children, so anywhere with flocking kids would be a good start.

As Tengen was walking, he couldn't help but overhear some conversations.

"Did you here what happened in Madame Rin's mansion?"

"Hai, I heard her nephew jumped out a window to commit suicide."

"Dear Lord, I knew she wasn't cut out to raise two kids, she probably maltreats them. That's why he tried committing suicide."

"I see the second one, what's her name? Right Tsuki wandering the streets sometimes, I told my kids to stay away from her."

"Right, I don't want my kids getting any crazy ideas like suicide from her either."

"Thinking about it just sends shivers down my spine, it's horrifying."

Tengen approached the two women with a worried face, "The family you're talking about, is it the l/n family?"

"Yes, but Rin doesn't go by that last name, she goes by Yushiro, her father's last name. Her late sister goes by l/n though, since she's married. After her sister died though, she took her sister's children as her own."

Tengen nodded.

"But just a few days ago, one of the children, Aoki tried to commit suicide by jumping out a window," The other woman said "It's truly horrifying to think about what that boy had to go through to drive him to that extent of wanting to end his life. How sad."

Tengen's face immediately went pallid upon hearing this, all he could think about in the moment was you.

How could he just leave you there, you must be going through so much right now, losing your patents and now almost losing your brother. All these thoughts ran through Tengen's head as he walked away.

He almost considered going right back to the mansion but immediately trashed that idea. He wanted to see you so badly but there was something bigger at hand, he had to find that demon causing so much trouble in this city.


"Tsuki-sama, where are you going?" A servant asked.

Tsuki was on her way going out wearing a white and golden hemmed expensive looking kimono.

"it's fine, I just want to get a book from the library to read to Aoki-kun. We don't have It here."

"Yes ma'am but.. An awful lot of young children have been going missing recently, maybe we should wait for Rin to ret--"

"There's no need for that, I'll be back in no time." Tsuki stated before leaving.

Venturing out, it soon became dark. By the time she had the book, it was already night time, and since she wasn't in a commercial area, the streets were practically empty.

Tsuki suddenly became fearful of a feeling that someone was watching her, she constantly looked over her shoulder but no one was there.

Tengen was on one of the buildings watching the situation. He knew there was a demon here, and if Tsuki could make his mission easier he would take that risk.


You came down the stairs from Aoki's bedroom to the living room where the maid who had let Tsuki go was cleaning.

"Naoka, have you seen Tsuki?"

Naoka froze in fear, "Sh..she went o..out to the city to get a..a book." Naoka stuttered.

"What?" You look out the window, It was night which meant demons could be lurking about.

You didn't have time to scold Naoka, you just ran outside to the city in search of your sister. 'This can't be happening.'


Tengen watched impatiently, nothing was happening but he could sense a demon.

'Could I be wrong?' Tengen thought.

Suddenly Tengen felt a movement coming from one of the allies.

Before the demon could lay a hand on Tsuki, he had already charged towards it, swinging his nichirin cleavers, he cut the demon's head clean off.

Tsuki looked at the scene with a mix of confusion and fear as she backed away.

She looked at the burning demon's head and she immediately turned pallid.

"T..te..tengen?" Tsuki managed to saw before fainting from out of shock.

Tengen catches her just in time and lifts her up one handed wandering what to do.

Just then he hears a familiar voice calling out, 'Tsuki's' name. It was your voice.


'Were are you Tsuki?' You thought to yourself.

People murmured as you passed by them.

"See I told you, Rin isn't capable. Now the lost child has to suffer too now."

"This is so sad"

"I don't want my kids being associated with them."

Their comments had no effect on You, It was just gossip, it would die down soon.

"Tsuki!" You turned a corner and..

"Tengen-Sama?" That's all you could say.

There was a book on the floor and Tengen was holding an unconscious Tsuki by the neck of her kimono.

Author's note: don't we all just hate gossipers. Anyways, I'll try to update more tomorrow. Bye 👋

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