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The demon flinched, clenching her teeth before attempting to run away.

Lord Tengen took notice of this, he gripped his nichirin cleavers and with lightening speed cut off the head of the demon.

This demon was weak, it quickly got ablaze leaving nothing but ashes.

'This is bad' Lord Tengen thought, this demon was supposed to be the easy way to get you back. 'This is bad, this is really bad.'

Your chest was burning from lack of oxygen, 'Where did that demon go?' You thought, your vision was blurry as you struggled to keep your eyes open in this water.

The demon was probably waiting for you to drown before eating you, was it having mercy?

Your whole body felt paralysed, you couldn't move or scream. Your whole body felt numb.

Is this how you were going to die? Tears rolled down your cheeks, you at least wanted to know what happened to Tengen. You hoped he was alive, you wished he would save you.

Your eyelids felt heavy as you slowly closed your eyes.

The demon wasn't contented enough, he wanted more food, it ran along the alleys inside the ground looking for more victims.

Lord Tengen followed the sound the demon made in the ground.

It was here, he could sense it.

There was a female up ahead walking home. At that moment, the demon jumped out of the ground ready to grab and escape with the girl.

Tengen couldn't let that happen, not this time. He knew its tricks this time and he would slay it and save you.

Lord Tengen lunged at the demon and in that instant, they were both teleported into the water where you were dying.

This water, it was poison. If Lord Tengen didn't have resistance, he would be paralysed.

There he could see you, slowly going deeper and deeper into the water. You  weren't moving and your eyes were closed.

Lord Tengen swam towards you, he had to get you before.

"What! How are you moving?" The demon asked feeling a bit confused, this demon was stronger than most low ranked demons but still, its power was nowhere to be compared with Tengen's.

This demon was not a worthy match for Tengen, this demon made Tengen feel bored.

But still, Tengen couldn't move at normal speed here. His movements were heavily restricted, saving you and fighting that demon made in slightly less easy, slightly.

The demon smirked, "I guess I can settle to have you as a meal tonight." The demon laughed.

Lord Tengen wasn't listening, he was too focused, "Total concentration breathing, fourth form; constant resounding slashes."

This was the only way to slay the demon quick enough, the technique allowed Tengen to charge quickly at the demon and use his nichirin cleavers to make explosion, blowing up to limbs of the demon before finally beheading it.

Like the spell was broken, you all fell back to the real world in an empty alleyway.

Tengen stared at the slowly burning demon in disgust.

"You defeated me?!" The demon yelled in shock "You-- you stupid piece of--"

Before the demon could finish, Tengen crushed the demon under his foot angrily.

"Couldn't you be like the other demon and die quietly?.. You pathetic creatures."

Just then Lord Tengen heard you cough, in a flash he was by your side patting your back.

You looked at him, your vision was still blurry. It was the effect of the poison.

'He was alive, he was really alive.' You thought, smiling at him weakly.

"Y/n are you okay?" Lord Tengen asked.

Wait. Something was wrong, why did you feel..

Before you could reply you suddenly coughed out blood, it was the effect of the poison.

"Y/n!" Tengen called your name, but you didn't respond. You were already unconscious.

Lord Tengen carried you feeling panicked.


Where were you, were you dreaming again. These days it was hard for you to tell the difference between reality and a dream, they both felt real. Too real.

You were seated eating with a family, but you couldn't see their faces, it was covered with a bright light and their voices were distorted.

You felt a lump in your throat, these people.. They were important to you but you just couldn't remember them.

You put your hands in your hair ruffling it in frustration, why couldn't you remember them?


You looked up at the little girl who had called your name.

"Come find me." The little girl said with a smile.

"But... Where. Are you?"

Author's note: it amazes me how long this took to write, researching while writing is really not an easy job, also researching about Tengen led me to find out some really uncomfortable stuff I really didn't want to know.. Anyways as always I love you all, thank you for reading, your views and votes mean the absolute world to me and you guys are just the best 😍  love you always and stay tuned.

Please stay tuned 😬😘

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