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You were okay now and free to leave the mansion, you walked with Tengen through the city going home.

He had promised to help you find your sister, but since you couldn't remember your village's name, things weren't as easy.

Your heart ached thinking about her, you wondered how she would have coped, no family, no one to...

"Y/n-Chan!" You heard an all too familiar voice call out your name.

You turned around to look and was immediately pounced on by someone.

Sand from the ground got into your eyes blurring your vision.

'Who.. I can't see her..'

Tengen grabbed the strange girl off me by her kimonos collar.

You sat up rubbing your eyes, the girl was kicking and screaming for Tengen to let her go. She was causing such a scene, everyone was staring.

Your vision was better now and you could see her.. Wait was that..


The girl looked at you looking all so cheerful and teary eyed at the same time, "Y/n-Chan," Tsumugi smiled "I'm so glad you're alive."

Tsumugi was your childhood friend, unlike you she didn't have parents while growing up, her mother died while giving birth to her and her father just abandoned her with his mother.

Tsumugi had to grow up with her grandmother. Interestingly, you and Tsumugi only became friends by chance, it was when you were coming down from the mountains.

There were a bunch of girls surrounding this one girl in the middle, she looked so harassed, her pupils dilated, her hair messy and entangled with snow, her kimono was a bit torn up like someone had attacked her.

The girls held stones on their hands, "Oi Tsu, is it true your dad left you for another woman who had a kid, that must be very embarrassing for you. If I were you, I'd go into hiding. Plus you're a murderer you know? You killed your mother. What a monster."

The girl threw stones at Tsumugi and the other girls followed.

I clenched my fist in anger and gripped my axe in my hand.

"Hey get away from her!" I charged at then swinging my axe in the air.

The girls looked horrified, they screamed and ran away.

"You better run!" I yelled.

I looked back at Tsumugi, she was still crouched, she hid her face in her arms. She was terrified.

She crouched to her level and tapped her shoulder, she slowly lifted her head looking at you. She seemed to be the same age as you, seven.

You stretched your hands at her, "Tsumugi, don't listen to those bastards. Wanna be friends?"

And like that you two grew closer together, you were practically sisters.

You looked at Tsumugi struggle to free herself from Tengen's grip.

"Ahh! Let me go you bastard!" Tsumugi yelled.

You got up quickly, "Lord Tengen please let her go, I know her. She's from my village."

Lord Tengen took a look at Tsu looking unsure, Tsu stuck her tongue at him.

"You heard her idiot." Tsumugi smirked.

Lord Tengen plainly dropped her like a disgusting object, he didn't like her. She smelled like garbage.


You and Tengen found yourself sitting with Tsumugi in a local restaurant.

She ate her noodles like she hadn't eaten in weeks, 'classic Tsu' You thought.

You practically drank the noodles from the bowl, she slammed the bowl on the table.

"Ah," She sighed in relief "I thought I was die of hunger."

You smiled, "it's good to see you again Tsu."

"You too, Y/n. You know we looked for you everywhere y/n, you were assumed dead after 3 months."

"I see," You replied simply "Oi Tsu, I need to ask you somethi--"

"About what happened to your family?" Tsu cut you off, you nodded "Your mum and dad were buried in a fancy graveyard, a contribution from your aunt or something. Tsuki and Aoki were taken in by your aunt Rin too."

"Aoki?" You asked in confusion, your brother? He was alive

"I haven't seen them since," Tsumugi reached for her pockets bringing out some letters "Tsuki still writes to me from Tokyo though."

"Tokyo!?" You exclaimed in shock.

Tsumugi nooded handing you the letters, "Their home address are on it, you can go find them if you want." Tsumugi squessed your hands encouragingly.

"Tsumugi, they're lot of--"

"No need to explain, Y/n. You've always been there for me, this might be the only chance for me to help you in your lifetime, so.. Please find your siblings and reunite with them," Tsumugi turned to Tengen "I have no idea how she married a muscle head like you, but if you as much as make Y/n cry, I will find you and I will end you."

Tsumugi sounded dead serious, she wasn't kidding.

Lord Tengen nodded feeling a little intimidated.

Tsumugi turned back to you, "Write to me okay? I'll be waiting." Tsumugi smiled.

"Thank you Tsumugi-San," You got up "I will forever be indebted to you."

"Oh cut that crap and find your siblings already." Tsumugi smiled.

"Right." you agreed.

Just like that you and Tengen embarked on a journey to Tokyo with you on Tengen's back, the breeze making it hard to see.

You so happy though, 'Aoki, Tsuki. Thank goodness you're alive. Thank you God.' You thought smiling to yourself, you couldn't wait to see them.

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