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Aoki's POV

I had a dream last night, the night when Y/n came back.

Y/n wore a special looked white kimono with golden ends in the sleeves and on the neck of the cloth.

She was running in the woods like she was being chased, she screamed and cried for help but there was no one.

It seemed that she had lost of blood too, her side was stained with blood drenching the kimono.

I could see her, but I couldn't do anything, I looked at my hands but was shocked to see them see-through.

Y/n-Chan fell to the ground and cried, I yelled her name running towards her but just when I got there, I woke up.

I couldn't do anything in that dream, I couldn't do anything in real life either. What a waste of oxygen I am, couldn't even save my own family.

Why did I even survive? Wouldn't it have been better if I died and they lived, would it have been that bad? What a waste of oxygen.

'Aoki's a waste of oxygen, you're useless. Plain useless. You can't even help your sister out, what a pain. Aoki, you're such a pain'


3rd person's Pov

Your eyes must have been crimson red by now, your headache was unbearable, as though if you tried to get up might faint but yet, You couldn't stop crying, it wasn't just your heart but your soul. 'How could he leave you without even saying goodbye?'

What made it even more excruciating was that You couldn't even bring yourself to be mad at him or hate him, You were more mad at yourself. 'it was my fault.' you thought. If only you told him, that you would stay with him, you had only planned on staying with your siblings for a week.

At that moment of your despair, Your aunt walked in seeing you a broken mess crying on the floor, the sight was almost pathetic.

Filled with compassion in her heart for you, she sat beside you and hugged you while she cried on your shoulder.

"Shh, hush now dear," She patted you on the back "I'm sure this is just one big misunderstanding," She pulled away from the hug "We'll send a letter or better yet--"

"No okaasan," You wiped your tears shaking your head "He won't receive those letters, not likely."

"Why is that?"

"Because Hinatsuru--"

Suddenly you remembered Hinatsuru's words.

"Why don't you tell Lord Tengen that you wanna go be with your family?" Hinatsuru asked "I'm sure he'll understand and gladly take you to them, after all your marriage is not official, he just owns you like mere property."

"Because Hinatsuru receives all letters and gives him the important ones." You finished.

Now that you thought about it, you realised Hinatsuru wasn't really on your side, she was the only person who was so persistent on you leaving to find your family. She never truly accepted you.

"What's wrong who's Hinatsuru?" Rin asked.

You looked at her, right you haven't told her that Tengen had three other wives.

"Tengen is polygamous."

"What?!" Your aunt looked utterly confused. "So Hinatsuru is--"

"Tengen's third wife," You cut her off "Tengen-sama has three wives making me the fourth. I'm also just realising that Hinatsuru wasn't really on my side at all, she wanted me gone. I was competition to her."

Rin put her hand on her forehead caressing it, "I have no idea what I did to deserve this oh Lord," Rin said in frustration then looked at me "Y/n you sit there crying like he's your one and only, but this husband of yours has three other wives," Rin looked disappointed "Disappointment is not enough to express how I feel right now, Y/n."

"You don't understand--"

"Make me understand Y/n! Please do!" Rin yelled, she looked hurt as she got up.

"I thought you got along with him yesterday?"

"I did! He's a good man Y/n. He brought you back to us and left, lets keep it that way."

"What? No you can't do tha--"

"Y/n trust me staying with that man won't make you happy, he will only bring pain and hurt into your life. I completely understa--"

"You don't understand anything aunt!" You yelled at her feeling mixed emotions of suppressed anger, guilt and sadness, "You don't understand 'cos you don't have a husband, a family or your own kids. You're an outcast aunt!"

Your aunt looked at You with pained expression immediately making You feel guilty.

She left your room quietly, not replying you. Tin's heart was shattered, at of all the people, she never expected you to treat or talk to her like everyone else did.

You rested your back on the side rail of the bed, closing your eyes to think when you heard a giant thud and Tsuki scream.

Authors note: I'm so sorry for updating so late, I've been so busy lately, I actually have an exam this Tuesday that I've been preparing for, I really hope you like this chapter and don't lose interest in the story or anything, I promise to be more organised in my updating schedule.

Don't forget to vote, it really keeps me going.

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